Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I slept the next three weeks away. It was impossible to stay awake taking whatever pain meds I was given. They definitely worked though, numbing all my pain for the most part.

Sam has been more than helpful, making sure I never have to get out of bed for anything. Bringing me all my meals and eating in here with me, so I'm not lonely.  Im more than grateful right now that she was my best friend. I'm not sure I would've been able to even shower without her help.

Today I decided to skip the dose of medication I'm supposed to take during lunch. The medication makes me fall asleep and I need to keep myself awake to find Xander.  He has been avoiding talking to me about exactly what happened that day. Today, I'm not giving up until I get some answers.

I look out my window to see that our squad had started the laps around the flight field. Now is my time to get Xander alone. He usually stands outside with the squad until he has to leave to go to the dining hall.

I force myself to stand up, when my ribs were wrapped the pain was tolerable. I grab my jacket and slipped my feet in my shoes.

Making my way outside was easier said than done. I haven't attempted the stairs yet, my whole body was stiff, making it hurt to take the steps.

I managed to get to the bottom. Half way there.

I take small breaths as I make my way to the doors. My ribs burning when I inhale too much.

I push open the double doors, walking outside into the sunlight. The wind instantly whips at my face. I walk to the top of the staircase and saw Xander standing at the bottom. His back was to me, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey." I spoke up, causing him to spin around. His eyes widen being caught off guard. I couldn't stop myself from smiling at him. I miss our moments we shared alone. Him avoiding me for the last three weeks has got me going crazy.

"Sage, what are you doing here?" He asks, walking up the steps. "Are you okay?"  His eyes look me over, making sure I wasn't hurt anymore than I was.

"I'm fine." I assure him. "I really wanted to talk to you..." I look down, biting my lip, "You've been avoiding me." I kicked a pebble by my foot, anxiety taking over.

"I haven't." He tries to assure me. "After dinner and doing my runs every night, you're sleeping by the time I get back." I look at him for a moment, Was he checking on me every night?

"But you can see me during the day." I sound like a desperate girlfriend.

His eyes narrow on me, causing me to shrink under his gaze. "What did you need to talk about?"

I started to feel uncomfortable. Why was I standing here? Telling him he's avoiding me... When he's just my squad leader. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come." I went to turn away but he grabs my arm, freezing me in place.

"What's wrong?" He asks me softly. I look up at him and he looks like he was trying to figure it out. Searching my eyes for an answer.

"I just want to know what happened that day." I whisper honestly, giving him a slight shrug.  "I don't get it."

He takes a deep breath, his eyes scanning the flight field, before looking down at me. "Fine, but not right now."

"Right now." I said sternly, trying to hold my ground. "You've been avoiding the conversation for three weeks-"

"I've been busy." He corrected me, his voice stern, causing me to stop talking. "I'll meet you after the squad goes to bed tonight."

"Promise?" I ask quietly.

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