Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

As soon as Lucinda gets confirmation that my squad has made it to the check point she threw a blindfold on me and ordered someone to tie my wrists in front of me. I expected her to go all out with this challenge. The look in her eyes when she took me away from my squad, from Xander's side, let me know that this wasn't going to be easy. If looks could kill I would've died on that flight field.

"Just taking precautions." I hear her say but I stay silent. I can play the part until my squad finds me. Xander was right about one thing. I'm probably the most stubborn one in the squad, I can keep my mouth shut until they find me.

I don't know how long it's been, or if we were almost there. I guess I should've paid more attention to how long we were actually walking for, that information would help Xander find me quicker. Although Lucky will lead them to me, him and his luck. I'm sure of it.

Lucinda had someone in her squad carry me, my body laying over their shoulder. A bit dramatic if you ask me but I guess we have to make it as real as possible. The anxiety flowing through me was definitely real. Everything in me was telling me to fight back, my brain was convinced that I was in danger. Not being able to see only makes it worse. I have to rely on my hearing, the only sounds I could hear was shoes stepping on leaves and sticks. My breathing seemed way too loud, but so did the man who was carrying me. Huffing and puffing like I was too heavy for him.

"Update?" Xander's voice fills my head, calming my nerves slightly. God, I wish he was here. Being carried by a random person was bothering me, it felt wrong. I hate being carried in general but being carried by someone who isn't Xander really bothers me.

"She blindfolded me and tied me up." I try to keep my breathing calm, I won't let my nerves show, we didn't even get started yet.  "Someone is carrying me to the location."

"Are you hurt?" His words feel like a soft caress, causing my heart to melt.

"No." I answer him honestly. "Uncomfortable though." Which is also true.

"She has twenty minutes before we can come find you. So you should be there soon."

I hear a door swing open after a few more minutes and I'm met with a strong musty basement smell.

"I think we just got here." I let him know before focusing on the sounds around me. All I heard was footsteps shuffling across the floor.

"Tie her to the chair." Lucinda orders someone coldly. This should be fun.

My body was dropped down onto a metal chair. I feel something cold press against my wrists before the ties are cut. I'm not allowed to move before there is someone on both sides of me, restraining my wrists to the arms of the chair.

"Take the blindfold off." She orders someone in the same cold tone.

I blink as I'm blinded by bright white light. We were in a cement box, literally. No windows, two bright white lights on the ceiling, the door had a huge metal lock that slides closed. The only thing in the room was the chair I was sitting in. Where are we? This room looked unused, yet the dark red stain on the wall near the door tells me that someone was here, at some point. Did they make it out alive?

"I'm in a room. No windows, small, the door has a huge metal sliding lock. There's nothing here but a chair." I tell Xander instantly, then take in who was standing in front of me.

Lucinda stood between two of the cadets in her squad. Her hair pulled back in a bun, her hands resting on her hips. She watched me like I was a wild animal. As if she was unsure of when I was going to attack. I glare at her but that only makes her smile at me.

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