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I watched her, she's beautiful. A woman sculpted by god himself. A gaze that made my bones and soul weak. Lips that only spit out venom to me.

"Get dressed! Stupid slut." I heard her say as she fixed her clothes by the giant mirror in my room.

I could only look at her, as she started to fix her dark black hair. There was no single emotion going through me, but vulnerability.

I was naked from the top to the bottom, her release covering my bottom half, bruises on my neck and collarbone, bites all over my breasts, and my face red with humiliation of our intimacy.

Her touch on me was rough and bruising, brutal to some extent. She broke me apart in a way that felt so good, a high that numbed all the pain she inflicted on me.

My body was for her to destroy and break apart to her need.

Her sweet words lingered in my ear, words that will become nothing in moments from now and it will all go back to the way it was before.

"I said hurry up! Or do you want me to drag you to get ready?!" The sudden raise of her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I didn't say anything as I was barely able to sit up on my bed, the soreness of my legs making me incapable of even getting up from my bed

This is the roughest she's ever been.

Her anger was evident in her eyes as she looked at me throughout the whole time, her touch was wounding me so much.

And it wasn't always like that, her touch used to be so gentle, so tender. Her touch gave me life.

But her touch now was burning my skin in such a painful manner, it was burning me up alive.

I need to get up before she truly drags me out of my room. She's done it before, it won't be something I haven't experienced before.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to stand up, it hurt so much, but it's nothing compared to her venom filled words.

"You can't even take my dick! Should I teach you how to take it? So that you won't be a weak slut? I only keep coming back for your pussy, I really despise seeing you, god, how did I even see you?" Her words stabbed me like a knife penetrating my heart.

Stabbing at the love I have for her.

I really hate it when she speaks like that, the raw honesty hit my every nerve and vein. I wish I could cut my ears off to not hear her say any of it.

I ignored what she said and entered my bathroom that smelled like her, I saw how domestic her stuff in my bathroom seemed.

I smiled at that.

It's been years that me and Minji have been together, we started dating sophomore year of high school and now we're in our sophomore year of college.

Time goes by so fast, the same way someone changes.

I had closed the bathroom door, needing to be wrapped up in her scent, the only good that came from her when she was in my room.

It was the same scent she used all those years back, a scent that could calm me when I cried. But it was now a scent that made me cry rivers of tears, because I would do anything to go back to those days of comfort.

I grew up alone most of the time, babysitters here and there, no sign of my parents for months and even at times a full year.

Only heard of them when they would send me money to make sure I am at least financially well, but emotionally? Never.

Break me until there's nothing leftМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя