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I was burning in the flames of fire that Minji has left behind. And it's making me realize just how stupid I am.

For having any type of hope that the Minji I knew still exists in her. When it's so clear that she isn't there anymore.

And I know that I'm so wrong for thinking that a couple of hours ago, I saw my Minji. She managed to show me all over again why she wasn't her.

I looked down at my body that had fresh bruises forming, the blood on my nose running down the pale skin of my face.

How can I deal with this any longer? I'm pregnant for god sake!

What would happen if I told her? Would she be happy? Or will it anger her to the point she'd kill us both?

Even if I'm unsure of what I want, I won't let her hurt our baby, an innocent being that is part of this nightmare.

But I can't help to think, what if Minji becomes better for our baby? Everyone has their own moments of redemptions, right?

Can this baby be her redemption?

I let out a sigh as I finally had the strength to get off the bed and find the bathroom, but as I was making my way in, I heard the slam of the front door.

I quickly changed my route and made my way to the closet, not caring on what I put on, if she sees me naked, it'll be an open invitation for her to do anything she wants to me.

"Hanni!" Her voice resonated through the empty house as her footsteps could be heard going up the stairs.

Panic had surged through me as I could hear her get closer, her words slurred as she spoke.

"Don't let me find you! Hide from me all you want Hanni, but you can't escape." She said and my body went cold, I needed to hide.

When Minji is drunk, she looses all her last senses of humanity, she was the devil itself.

If you thought sober Minji was bad, drunk Minji would make you look away with how she leaves me after.

"Don't hide from me, I hate when you make me look for you." Her words making my breath halt.

I looked around the closet as I found the perfect place to hide, by where my long dresses were hanged. That should hide me, right?

And before she could open the bedroom door, I was able to slide through my dresses and manage to set them right to hide me.

I still hid, despite the fact that she would find me regardless of where I hid. I've been hiding from her on nights like this for two years now.

No matter how good I hid, I would be under her grasp once again in minutes. I'll never be safe from her.

Which only makes her right, I could never escape.

I heard the door of my bedroom slam open, her footsteps heavy against the floor as she entered the room.

Fear was taking over me slowly, the panic at the edge of exposing my hiding spot. I held in my breath hoping that it would keep her from finding me.

Tears formed in my eyes as I saw her shadow walk by the closet, probably going to the bathroom.

The way my name fell from her lips, let me know just what she wanted to do with me once she got her hands on me.

"Hanni, come out!" I heard her say, the aggravation laced in her voice, irritation evident through her every step.

I sealed my eyes shut, as if it would keep her from seeing me. I could hear her footsteps entering the closet, her heavy breathing alarming my senses.

"Slut! If you don't come out, I will do way more than I had planned! Stop hiding!" Her voice vibrates through the thin walls of my closet.

Break me until there's nothing leftTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang