Chapter 13

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"I hate it here." Betty said with a sigh.

It was a Friday afternoon and Betty and Cory were bored at work.

"Me too." Cory said.

He was spinning around in one of the spinning chairs they had.

"Are you not dizzy from that?" Betty asked with a bit of a laugh.

She had been watching Cory spin around for the last few minutes and it was starting to make her feel a bit dizzy.

"Nope." Cory said, continuing.

Betty laughed, going back to staring out the window of the store. It was kind of a slow day as it was raining quite hard out. Most didn't want to venture out in this weather. Betty sighed, feeling extremely bored and a bit tired.

She had stayed up a little too late with Julien last night. Julien had been up writing a bit and also playing her guitar. She kept insisting on Betty closing her eyes while she played but Betty refused. She always enjoyed watching her girlfriend play.

Betty heard her phone go off which caused her to reach into her pocket.

It was a text from Julien.

Hey baby, hope work is going well. I love you❤️

Betty smiled at the text before responding.

Hey babe, it's okay
Kinda slow
I love you too❤️

Betty sighed, putting her phone back into her pocket.

"How's the boys?" Cory asked.

He finally stopped spinning in the chair.

"They're good. Everyone's been a bit busy lately."

Cory nodded. He was now leaning against the counter. Betty had started to organize the books on the shelves as she was bored.

"You and Jules good?" Cory asked.

He didn't want to pry on their relationship, but he was curious on how they were doing.

"Yeah, we're doing quite well." Betty said.

Cory nodded. "I'm glad."

Betty nodded with a small smile.

Cory started to clean the counter before he started to speak again.

"How's it going to work once she has more shows to play?"

Betty sighed a bit. She didn't want to think about that since she had a few weeks before then. She was nervous to be long distance. She knew it was going to be a bit rough.

"I mean, we're going to make it work. It's just going to be a bit hard." Betty said softly.

Anxiety over it was sort of eating her alive. She was nervous about not having Julien around once again. Although, the rest of the tour was slowly starting to wrap up and the boys only had a few left for the year.

After what felt like forever, Betty headed to the back to grab her bag before heading out. She put her ear buds in, blasting Taylor Swift as she walked to her apartment. Cory bringing up the long-distance thing had Betty's head swimming with all sorts of thoughts.

Once she was home, she unlocked the door and kicked her shoes off. It was 5pm and the smell of lasagna filled the apartment.

Betty walked into the kitchen, Julien's back to her as she washed the dishes.

"I'm home love." Betty said softly.

Julien glanced over her shoulder with a smile.

"Hey baby. How was work?"

Rekindled Love~ Julien Baker🖤Where stories live. Discover now