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"What are you going to do ?" Annie asked.

"I won't give up on Denzel, never. He's mine, and he's mine forever," Ivy said.

"Hold on," Mila said as she dropped er phone and turned to face them. "What's going on here?"

"Are you telling me that you weren't aware of what's been going on?" Annie asked.

"No, I wasn't,I've been so busy with workI haven't had time to catch up on everything. Can you fill me in?"

"I saw Denzel ex" ivy said

"So what's the big deal if you saw your fiancé's ex?" Mila asked

"It's a big deal because they were kissing, and the worst part is that he hired her as his secretary at work," Ivy said

"But are you sure that they were kissing, and not just talking? I mean, it could have been an innocent conversation" Mila asked

"I'm positive they were kissing,There's no way it could have been anything else. I know what I saw"

"You should just give up on Denzel, He doesn't even love you, and it's like you're being forced into this marriage It's better to just call it off"Annie said

"Give up on who? Oh, please, Annie. Ivy don't listen to her You're not going to give up on Denzel It's either you or no one else" Mila said, defending her friend.

Eve was reading a book and laughing with Liam when Snow stormed up to them, her face a mask of anger

"You're with my boyfriend again, huh, Eve?" Snow yelled

"Snow it's not like that We're just friends Nothing more."

"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to this shameless little bitch" Snow said

"Snow, please,We're just reading That's all."

"Reading? Seriously? You think I'm going to believe that?All the women in your family are lying conniving bitches, and it seems that trait has been passed on to you."

Eve's hands balled into fists, her nails digging into her palms.

"Mind your words Snow," Eve said

"And if I don't, what are you going to do, huh?" Snow spat. "Oh, wait Your stupid sister didn't tell you that she kissed my brother did she? Some family you've got there, huh?"

"Why did your useless and disgusting brother kiss her back?, He should be ashamed of himself." Eve yelled

Snow's eyes narrowed, and she stepped closer to Eve, invading her personal space. "Don't you dare talk about my brother like"

Eve moved closer to Snow too their faces inches apart

"And don't you dare talk about my sister like that either, or else"

"Or else what? You think you can threaten me? You're nothing but a scared little girl"

"That's enough, both of you!" Liam yelled, stepping between the two girls. "Stop fighting."

"Oh, it's not enough," they heard a voice say. "I was enjoying it"

They turned to see who had spoken, and saw a boy standing near by leaning against the wall with his arms crossed

"And who the heck are you?" Snow said, raising an eyebrow

"I'm a new student here," the boy said, pushing himself off the wall and walking towards them "My name is Steve."

"Oh, Steve, mind your business and get lost," Snow said with a scowl

"The last time I checked, your father doesn't own this school, Miss" Steve said

A few of the students started laughing and Snow's face turned bright red. "Do you know who I am?"

"No, I don't," Steve said, shrugging his shoulders. "Should I?"

The laughter grew louder, and Snow looked like she was about to explode. "I'm going to tell my mum about this!" she hissed

"Oh, please do,"

"This is hopeless,I'm out of here."Eve said  She turned and walked away

"You're going to pay for insulting me," Snow hissed glaring at Steve before she walked away

"They're fighting and they didn't even pull each other's hair?" Steve said, licking his lolipop. "What kind of girl fight is that?"

Liam just shook his head "He's a psycho everyone," Liam muttered to himself"Sick in the head" He watched as Steve talked to some of the other students

"I thought my daughter was joking when she told me that you work for my son, you fool!" Abigail yelled I was unable to speak, I just kept looking at her

"And not only that, you kissed him? Are you not even ashamed to work for your ex?" she continued "You're despicable!"

I wanted to say something, to defend myself but the words wouldn't come I felt frozen, stuck in place as Abigail continued to berate me All I could do was stand there and take it.

"I'm talking to you, moron,Are you deaf?"

I lifted my head to look at her and she slapped me hard across the face. "Don't you dare raise your head to look at me, you shameless animal" she yelled

I felt a stinging pain on my cheek and a burning humiliation inside.

"And none of them even know that Denzel is your ex, right?" she said

"I'm sorry, ma'am," I said

"When I am talking, you don't talk!" she said Just as she raised her hand to slap me again, someone grabbed it from behind.......

Guess who 😱😱😱😱

MY BOSS Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon