the begin

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Ding, dong...

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Galini."

"Alex, how are you?"

"I'm fine, very well! And you?"

"I'm okay, trying my best, basically, because lately I haven't seen Elias at all. He works and sleeps, and I get annoyed. Sometimes it's like I don't exist. Anyway... I'm such a jackass sometimes, I know! A I'm a maid of honor and I still haven't managed to help you and Efthimis."

"Well you are the one that wanted to be with a director!" She said with a joking tone, and after they laughed, she continued:

"It's okay that you can't help. I know very well how busy you are and that you can't keep up."

"Have you found a wedding dress?"

"Of course! You probably haven't realized that the wedding is in two weeks."

"You're probably right, I haven't realized it."

"so when are you coming?"

"Two days prior. I managed to get some days off and book tickets."


"I am sorry for not being with you at this moment."

"Don't worry about it, my love. You're my best friend, and I know if you could, you'd be here now... Oh, something random."


"Do you remember summers at the cottage when you used to play a lot with my cousin William?"

"Yes, he was a very sweet kid. I haven't seen him in twelve years."

"Yes, about that. He wants to come here in a month and a half to finish some studies related to his subject, and while he's here, he would like you to show him around the city because he doesn't know anything, and he was also looking for someone to help him with a foreign-language assignment, and as a translator, I thought of you."

"Yes, I'll help him, it's just that I'm very busy right now."

"I'll wait for you and Elias at the wedding. We'll catch up in person. I have to hang up now because Efthimis is calling me."

"Kisses, talk to you later!"

Good morning! I've prepared breakfast."

"I can't stay long, I'll just have my coffee and leave because I'm in a hurry."

"Next Saturday is Alexandra's wedding."

"Oh, I forgot about it and I've scheduled a business meeting."


"Relax, it's not a big deal ."

"Are you kidding me, Elias? Am I supposed to go to my best friend's wedding alone? I've been telling you for so long! Are you really not coming to my best friend's wedding?"

"Is it not that important."

"I really don't know what to say! What will Alexandra think? Your behavior isn't justified. You can't embarrass me last minute, I've been telling you for three months. Supposedly, you are the groomsman at the wedding! If you don't come, there will really be chaos."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do. I'm leaving now because I'll be late for work."

"Bye!" Fuming with anger, she rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrows, sarcastic.

She then sat on the couch, made herself a toast and a tea, opened her laptop, took a breath, and started writing her story.

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