Chinese restaurant

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Two days, Galini had stayed in her room, and for the first time, William didn't bother her at all. Of course, it was impossible not to intervene in some way.

"What I'm doing isn't right. We haven't spoken for days, and I'm very afraid that you haven't spoken with Galini 'properly' for a long time. I'm staying here now, Galini broke up with Elias, and her psychology is going from bad to worse. I wouldn't tell you all this because it's none of my business, but I'm worried! She's not eating, and I'm afraid she's not sleeping either. If you tell her that I said these things, Alex, I'm sure we'll argue. On the other hand, you know her better; if you believe that you can help her, do whatever you want..."

Two days turned into three. But this one was different. Galini went out for two hours, and William cooked for both of them; it was the only day he would stay home. But when she returned, she hastily threw her bag and called him to come to the living room.

"What's going on? Where were you?"

"Why did you tell Alexandra... what you told her?"

"Because you are a mess, Galini!" William yelled at her.

"And why does it concern you? That's all I needed, to have someone else telling me I need to pull myself together."

"Yes, because you know it's true. And I don't understand why you got worse; you were fine before."

"I'm fine now too, that's why I went out."

"Did you go out to him?" He asked her and after a pause she answered:

"Oh... yes, I went to him."

"You need to move on, don't you understand? It's making you worse."

"I don't care! I want him in my life."

"If we continue, we'll argue, because no matter how much it doesn't concern me, it's tragic all this, and I'm telling you this harshly, so I'm just going to take a bath, if you're hungry, which I highly doubt, there's food in the kitchen."

After William showered, he put on his gray tracksuit and went to the living room.

"Have you seen my black shirt?"

"Yes, sorry, I saw it on the floor and took it to clean it." She said and went to get it for him. William thanked her, and as he was putting it on, he tried to apologize.

"Okay, listen. Sorry for what I said before, really, I had no reason, but if you want to make him jealous to come back home, you can't chase him from behind."

"I know... So are you still willing to help me?"

"Yes, of course." He replied, although deep down he had no such intention. All this seemed like a sick game to him. But he wouldn't understand, and he felt it was better to help and be close to her in this difficult and complicated situation for her mind.

"You know, I didn't tell you I finished one of the two books. With all this, all I had to do was write. And in three days, the presentation will be done. I hope you want to come."

"Yes, I'll come."

"Great. I didn't eat, I was waiting for you. Do you want me to serve y food?" After William nodded affirmatively, they sat at the table to eat their meal.

"I never noticed you had so many tattoos on your body."

"Yes, I have quite a few. Galini, I want you to help me with a job that's very important to me."

"Yes, Alexandra mentioned something; of course, I'll help you."

"Okay, we'll discuss it again when the time comes. So, what's your next plan?"

"Yeah, I've thought of something, actually."

"I had no doubt. What is it?"

"I know the time when the gym finishes, and I want us to pass by there. Basically, there's a restaurant next door where I used to go with him, so if you want, we can go eat there."

"Alright, but what time? Because I have to go to work tomorrow."

"At six in the evening."

"Okay, I finish earlier."

The next day, William woke up early and understood from the sound that Galini was taking a bath, so he grabbed his keys and locked the door. She didn't take long to come out of the bathroom, dressed, and went to the living room. There was a wooden tray on the table, next to the laptop, with a cup of green jasmine tea and a donate with sugar. When he returned home in the afternoon, got ready, and they left for their walk. Galini was wearing her black ankle boots, blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and a long thin pink cardigan. William wore his classic black clothes, and although it wasn't very cold for spring, he wore his coat.

They started walking, and Elias came out exactly at the time Galini had calculated. Basically, maybe he even went out exactly for this reason! They turned and entered the restaurant. They sat in the beautiful and almost entirely red place. William was amazed. He had never ordered sushi in an Asian restaurant before, but he insisted on getting it, seeing Galini wanting it so much.

"Do you know he's watching us from the window?" After informing her, she immediately went to turn her head sharply to ascertain it for herself. William put his hand on Galini's face to stop her.

"If you look at him, he'll understand."

"You're right."

"Galini, I want to take you somewhere tomorrow that I think you'll really like." He held her hand, knowing Elias hadn't left yet.

Galini accepted, then they ate and laughed as William struggled to pick up the sushi with chopsticks. They paid, and before leaving, Galini told him that her friend Dimitra suggested they go for drinks, and if he wanted, he could come along.



"Where's William?"

"Yes. Is something wrong? Is Galini okay?"

"Because I know you're staying at her house. Basically, she's okay, but she's had too much to drink, and now Elias just came with his girlfriend. Look, I don't have a car, and I don't know how to bring her, nor do I want to leave her alone in a taxi."

"I'll come. Just tell me where to find you." After hearing the address, she hung up, got her car, and left straight away.

Arriving at the bar, Galini seemed drunk from miles away. When she went to the table, she fell onto him, but he moved her away. He greeted Dimitra and took Galini to the car. Inside the car, she said she would vomit, but by the time they got home, she had fallen asleep in the passenger seat. After unlocking the door, William turned back to the car, picked her up in his arms, carried her to her bed, locked the car and the front door again, and went back to her room.

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