ride in the sea

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William took a bath and as soon as he got out, he asked Galini for the car keys because he had forgotten his watch there.

"You have two bikes in the garage." He asked when he came back again.

"Yes, one of them belongs to Elias."

"We don't care about that! Do you want to go for a ride?"

"Mm, I don't know."

"Please!" he pleaded with a sweet tone.

"Okay. But I haven't done this in a long time."

They started their journey, and her mind felt completely disarmed. Looking at the calm sea, she felt like a girl playing in a movie. And rightly so; she looked so beautiful on her bike. With her slender waist, her black hair passing through the middle, and the flattering gray tracksuit she was wearing. After forty minutes, they returned home, and Galini told him that she needed this ride after all.

"Then let's do it more often."

"It's one of those times when I wish my eyes could capture the image to keep it forever in my mind."

"Yes, it was a wonderful day."

The doorbell rang, surprising Angelos.

"I forgot to tell you, we'll have company today," she warned him and opened the door. She hugged her sister and asked her who the man next to her reminded her of. Clearly struggling, she eventually remembered and hugged him.

"So, I'll leave the little one with you, and I'll come back to pick her up later. I might stay a little longer; we haven't talked in a while."

"Forget it; you probably find me kinda boring."

"I'm just a business woman..." she said, raising her eyebrow and winking at him before leaving.

"She hasn't changed at all. Actually, she's like you, just eight years older." Mention William to Gallini when she close the door.

"Eight years indeed," she said, pointing to the little girl who started jumping on the couch.

"Auntie, do you have any sweets?"

"No, William will bring them to you."

"Is he your new boyfriend?"

"Eliza! We don't ask such indiscreet questions."

"Not to strangers, but to you, yes." Galini sighed, and William immediately replied to the little girl who was looking at him so seriously.

"No, we're good friends. I guess."

William returned with a box of chocolate pie and found the little girl had made a mess of the house, and Galini was already desperate in the kitchen. He went to her to cut a piece of sweet for the little one, and Galini gave him twenty euros, but he refused to take them.

"I'll eat the rest anyway." he said and went to the living room.

"Come on, little one, your sweet." When he tried to take it, he pulled the plate back and told her that to take it, she would have to clean up what she had dropped. In five minutes, the little girl had picked up all the pillows and candles from the carpet.

"Now it's all yours. Did you know that your aunt and I have been friends for about your age?"

"Wow! Really?"

"Really!.. Do you want to play scrabble?"

"Yes, yes of course and I want! You're very good for a grown-up. Also, my aunt lied to you; I'm not eight, I'm younger."

"I'm good, and why did I make you clean up the things from the floor?"

"Well, since I made them fall. My aunt always keeps the house clean."

"I would play with you, but I have to do some work on the computer." William went to the table where Galini was sitting to get paper and pen.

"That is why you sent me for sweet, so you can keep the cookies for yourself," He whispered as he saw the plate next to her.

It was getting late, and they were alone.

"You're very good with the kids. I've never seen her so calm."

"She just needed a little attention, and well, a little discipline. Well, I can't say I'm not exhausted. Because your sister asked if we were doing something this weekend?"

"Because it's my birthday."

"So why did you tell her no?"

"Well, I'm not in the mood."


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