something goes wrong

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When she arrived home, Elias had cooked. They sat down, ate, and she told him in detail about what happened those two days.

"And this old friend, is he nice?"

"Yes, very much!" She replied and he rolling his eyes.

"I'm just kidding, you know you're the only one I like! Βut from all that you heard, you focus on that?" She asked him, getting up and walking to him, sitting and starting to kiss him.

The whole week went well, they talked, took walks, and had a great time, without any argument. However, that lasted exactly one week, and the arguments, fights, Elias's minimal time, and all that cycle started again from the beginning. In a few days, it was the wedding, and he seemed to have forgotten about it again.

In the morning, Galini woke him up forcibly. At first, she hugged him, but that didn't seem possible to lift him. After an hour and a half, they finally managed to get into his car. This time they wouldn't go by plane, but they decided to make this four-hour journey by car. They didn't talk at all, and at some point Galini said quietly:

"I'll marry them by myself."


"Don't tell me you're hurt. Elias, you weren't like this! You didn't even bother with our friends."

"And now what? Is this my punishment?"

"No, it's the result!" She replied, casting her gaze ahead again and after silence followed in the car.

It was time for the wedding. Galini had left her black hair down, wearing a beautiful blue dress that reached her ankles and beautiful black heels with a detail of a silver bracelet on her ankle. So elegant!

Galini, although she somehow reconciled with Elias, her decision was always firm. So she married them alone, after first making up an excuse for the newlyweds. The ceremony was stunning, and the crowd seemed like Hollywood stars. As if the couple had chosen all the bright smiles for guests. Everyone's auras and moods radiated like festive lights.

It was seven when the wedding ended, and the first guests had just arrived at the table.

The sun still dominated, and the reception area was magnificent. Tables crowded with people, their pink attire contrasting with the radiant green of the lawn. Galini sat at a table with Elias and some other close friends. At some point, she got up to find the bride, who had gone to refill her plate at the buffet. She was in a glassed-in interior space and had to cross each table in front of her to get there. When she saw William across from her, she raised the glass she was holding and smiled to greet him from afar, and he responded. She went to Alexandra, clinking their glasses, and she invited them to join them for dinner.

That night, the guests danced continuously, and when the most romantic song of the evening played, the future bride and groom stood up. Then Ephraim called his brother with his wife to dance and the groomsman. Elias took Galini by the hand, they stood up, and began to dance embraced, like the other couples.

The celebration had come to an end, and it was almost dawn. They went to sleep, and the next day they enjoyed their journey back. They stopped for coffee halfway and then got back into the car to slowly make their way home.

Everything returned to normalcy. Galini got up, wrote her thoughts, pressed "delete," deleted, and deleted again. She had no inspiration, time was pressing her, and she didn't know why she couldn't finish a paragraph.

ΕIlias woke up, ate the breakfast Galini prepared for him, went to work, returned late, and maybe on a Saturday they would go for a walk.

"You're late again."

"Look, I'm tired of talking about this every single day. You knew who I was, if you can't stand it, let's end it."

"What's this all of a sudden? Do you think it's normal to come home just to sleep?"

"What can we do now? Finish the conversation because I'm tired." His voice took on another dimension and she, to avoid an explosion, left, pulling the door.

She went alone to a narrow place and started crying... At some point, she felt her blood burning inside her. "I won't sit here crying over you." She told herself and went to a nice bar to drink.

There, Alexandra called her and they started talking...

"I know you have your problems but do you remember what I told you about William?"

"The truth is, I had forgotten. When is he coming?"

"That's the problem, his postgraduate classes start earlier and he hasn't found a house yet."

"When exactly?"

"They start in two days so he should come tomorrow."

"Give me his number so I can talk to him."

"Surely I'm not bothering you, am I? You know I have a weakness for him."

"You're making it sound like I'm going to do something."

After they hung up, Galini immediately called him.

"Hello, it's Galini."

"Oh hi Galini, I wanted to call you too but I didn't want to bother you."

"Aleksandra told me you're coming tomorrow?"


"Have you booked a hotel?"

"Not yet because all of this happened suddenly."

"Don't worry, when you arrive tomorrow, call me and I'll come to help you. A friend of mine works at the 'palace,' she'll surely find us a room if I ask her."

"Oh, okay, thank you very much."

"See you tomorrow, goodnight."

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