little water

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The week passed quickly for both of them, who almost worked all day. William had asked Galini to start his work. She was impressed by what he had read and noticed that much was based on social intelligence. William, in his spare time while she was writing (two days, that is), was out in the garden.

It was evening when he knocked on his room door to tell him that he had prepared dinner and saw him making push up. They sat in the table and talked while eating.

"I want one more favor. I need to clarify some procedures with the house. It's mine, but Elias had put some signatures on the plans. I would ask you to go instead."

"Why?" He asked a little suspicious and annoyed.

"Because I feel like I don't care anymore, or at least I don't need this drama to make him jealous. I'm finally trying to put him aside, and I don't want to see him... Now why that smile?"

"I'm happy with your decision. Yes, of course, I'll go." He said to her now with a completely different mood and spontaneously hugged her. Suddenly William seemed very enthusiastic and asked her to watch a movie.

He asked if she had seen Harry Potter and after she told him that she hadn't, they put the movie on the TV. They sat on the couch, after first making some buttered popcorn of course.

The next day, it was her birthday, and Galini had been transferring William's work to the computer since morning. William told her he had a surprise and took her to the garden. What he had created was incredible. He had managed to mow the lawn, plant roses, and the most impressive thing was that he had made a swing from ropes, wood, and flowers and hung it on the slender willow tree.

"I can't believe it! Why did you do that?"

"First of all, you're hosting me, secondly, you're doing my work, it's your birthday, and the house needed it..."

"Okay okay.." she said to stop him, laughing.

"Actually, I don't know why, but I have a photo all these years in my old house; you making a swing in Alex's garden."

"Yes, I loved her swing."

"I know. I also had another idea for today."

"What? Should I be afraid?"

"I just missed being a child, and I thought we could go to an amusement park..."

"Seriously?," she asked with a raised eyebrow and splashed him with water. William remained with his mouth open. He grabbed the bucket next to the swing and threw it at her without hesitation. Her white t-shirt had stuck to her skin, and her body was stunning. William pulled the rubber band and then was the moment they slipped and fell down. The moment was not awkward at all. On the contrary, their childish laughter echoed throughout the neighborhood.

They filled the house with mud, and Galini gave him the sponge mop with a seriοus tone. Without objection, he went to take it, but she pulled it, saying she was joking.

"I tested you! After all, I started the chaos."

"Yes, but you'll catch a cold. Shouldn't you take a bath first?"

"Okay. I've really gotten worse, you're right," she agreed after looked her clothes and kicked the bucket back to him.

She went out with her pink pajamas and sat on the couch. By the time William came, she had already fallen asleep. He covered her and went to his room.

At night, Galini heard a knock on the windows. She got so startled that her first move was to grab a knife from the kitchen. Angelos rushed into the living room and saw her with the knife, sweaty.

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