And now..?

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She packed a small suitcase and left. On the road, she listened to music and sang along. She didn't realize how much distance she had covered in just a few hours! Alexandra hugged her, and her husband was very warm too.

They sat on the balcony, drinking coffee, and Alexandra and Alexandra announced the happy news that she was pregnant. "Now I want you to tell me your news."

"I don't know how you'll take it. We've been so far apart that we haven't said much."

"Yes, and now it's time for you to tell me everything: how you broke up with Elias, how you felt, what you did these past three months. Although Angelo mentioned something."

"He came from here?" She asked, surprised!

"Yes, the day we spoke on the phone."

"So he's okay."

"Yes, why wouldn't he be? He even gave me a key and told me to give it to you, saying it might unlock your mind, whatever that means." Without wasting time, she handed it to her directly, and Galini immediately understood what it was. She went to a room upstairs and pulled out a square box from a pallet, painted blue with yellow stars on it with the inscription "five stars."

"I didn't know there was something like this in my house."

"We hid it well with Angelo last summer when we were both here."

"And where was I?"

"You were playing with the neighborhood kids or baking cookies for us, I don't remember."

She opened it and found inside a teddy bear, her first diary, a photo album, a painting, and a letter from William.

"Today was the most beautiful day. Aunt scolded us, but I'm used to it. Sometimes I want to act small, but I'm not. I know I upset her and that wasn't my intention. Just because I don't want the same to happen with you, I want to tell you two things. I told you not to read this letter now because I'm writing something that you won't like, and I hope that next year when you read it, it won't shock you. I read your diary. That page where you said you wanted to be a painter or a writer, that you want a home of your own and a man like me. I liked that last part because you described me as the perfect child. I'm not, but it was enough for me!

The second thing I want to tell you is that next year I won't come. My dad told me we're going abroad... I don't know why, but I guess my mom is looking for us. I'm not telling you this now because I don't want to ruin our last summer. So I'm leaving you the album to remember all our beautiful moments we lived in this house. From the album, I took a picture for myself. My favorite one!"

Galini had come for another reason, and now she felt she couldn't say anything to her friend. There was so much that she wouldn't understand. Although I think Alexandra already knew everything.

She stayed for only two days and then returned. She had no one to tell how she felt. It wasn't the box that was the key, but the dream. The night before she left, she saw him in her sleep. Without words, he came into her room, put his hands on her neck, and kissed her. She called him again, but again, he didn't answer. She didn't know what to do. She wasn't in a hurry; she needed some time. And that strengthened her emotions even more. On the third day, when she was alone in the house, she decided to clean the empty room, and while changing the sheets, she found a paper under the pillow.


I'm leaving abruptly. I'm sorry for telling you I wouldn't do this. But I can't handle the situation, and I think you understood that yesterday. I'm not myself when I get angry, and I don't like it. Nor do I want to be there to see Elias return, and I think the reason is clear. These months were very beautiful for me, and I thank you for everything. I'm going back home since work is done. I left my keys on the kitchen shelf. Apart from the job you did for me, I also stole the "five stars" from the library.''

Galini left directly, and within a week, she had made trips she would do all year. She had never been to his house, but she remembered the address. It started raining heavily as she drove. Her mind took a trip through all that she had experienced. Her predetermined summer vacations until she was sixteen with Alexandra, her studies, her friends, her moments with Elias, her first money, buying her house, and she was only twenty-four.

The rain stopped briefly just as she arrived. At that moment, she looked before stepping out. She was wearing her sports gear, black military pants, a plain black shirt, and a blue hat. She had left without caring about anything. She got out of the car almost in a dark mood. The clouds had hidden the light. She hesitated to continue her steps. She approached the wooden house enough, and from the window, he saw him with another girl. She turned to leave, but before getting into the car, his voice was heard.


"Yes?" She replied hesitantly and turned slowly.

"Why are you leaving?"

"I didn't want to bother you."

"Did you drive so many hours to come, and bother me??" The other girl left waving, and because the weather wasn't so good, William drove Galini inside the house with his hand.

They both sat on the bed in the small wooden room without speaking. They just looked at each other.

"Why didn't you pick up the phone?"

"I don't know!" He replied, and they remained silent again.

"That summer you didn't come, I was very angry." Something had changed between them, and for the first time, it was so evident for both.

"It's time for me to tell you what you've understood. I really wanted to kiss you, but I didn't want to do it to make Elias jealous."

She said nothing, but her eyes pleaded. Her body shuddered in the thunder of lightning.

'I didn't understand anything.'' 

''Perhaps you didn't want to, otherwise you would have noticed,'' he said as he brought his face close to hers. He placed his hand on her neck and whispered in her ear, ''how my body's rhythm changes when I'm close to you.''

Galini's breath deepened and her eyes closed when William kissed her neck. He pulled back slightly and looked into her eyes. He approached her slowly and kissed her. When she pulled back, William didn't stop kissing her. He lay on top of her. Their bodies had changed temperature. These bodies were meant to be united.

A sunbeam in the rain

A beat in the silence

A sound on the roof

and in a caress, submission

A glance into the nowhere

A flame in the heart

Blame the fireplace flame

reminiscent of the sky's light!

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