coffee in the rain

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The next morning, a sound threw William out of bed. When he got up, he found an object on the floor in the living room. And when he asked Galini what happened, she explained to him.

"Despite yesterday's success, they're pressuring me. I've reached my limits, and they've blocked me in this way."

"I'll help you too if you let me read your ideas. But relax, you've given them crazy profits all these years. All you have to do is bluff a bit. Of course, if they give you such a tight deadline, you won't get the result as you desire."

"Yes, you're right. After all, I won't explode if the bluff doesn't work; I'll indeed hire a lawyer to break the contract and leave."...

"Why did you start writing?"

"It's an escape or a journey. Either I was in a difficult situation and wanted to escape, or I was very happy and wanted to be left and share."

"I remember you used to come up with stories when we played," he teased, changing her mood, and so a pillow landed on his head.

"Come on."

"So, let's get serious! Do you want to go to the café overlooking the sea tomorrow for me to read your new story and inspire you with my ideas?" he proposed in a serious yet playful tone.

"Yes, that would be perfect!"

The next day found them in the rain. The windows were dripping, and both of them were sitting on a couch, gazing at the sea view. Angelos watched her while she opened her laptop; she seemed so calm. He turned and smiled at her.

"Look, I don't know if you'll like it."

"Who am I to judge you? But I'm sure I'll like it." They ordered two cappuccinos and started working. William had many ideas, which surprised Galini completely. It was a lovely morning that inspired the writer, and they spent several hours there.

When they returned home, it was still raining, so they went up to the house from the garage's internal staircase. Galini slipped, and William rushed to help her immediately, accidentally passing his hand through the slit of her long skirt. His grip was enough to prevent both of them from falling, but when they stabilized, he quickly removed his hand from her thigh. William turned red. She thanked him, and after seeing him put his hand in his pocket, she felt his awkwardness. She unlocked the door and spontaneously said something silly to break the ice.

They had been locked in their rooms until Galini knocked on his door.

"Come in!"

"Do you want to go for coffee tomorrow?"

"I would love to, but I have to leave for the weekend."

"You'll come back."

"Yes, if you still want me to."

"Of course I do."

"I'll also see Alexandra..."

Over the weekend, Galini noticed his absence. The house was empty again. She found herself thinking about Elias again, especially when she saw him in a store, kissing his new partner.

On Monday, she since woke up, opened her laptop. After a few minutes  closed it again and went to the kitchen with a different mood. She wanted to bake cookies. To occupy herself with something else creatively. She spread the ingredients on the table, with flour and chocolate scattered everywhere. She had music playing, "off the table," and molded the cookies to the beat. When William unexpectedly walked in, he saw her dancing while kneading the dough. The whole house smelled of peanut butter and warmth.

"This is how I want to see you every day."

"Yes, I'm feeling very good today. I went out with the girls yesterday. They were asking about you, especially Gianna."


"Okay, okay. Come and try. One tray just came out of the oven."

"I have dirty hands."

"It's okay," she said, giving him a cookie. Once again, she noticed how beautiful his eyes were.

"It's perfect. Galini... I might have to stay another month," he said somewhat timidly.

"Of course, stay as long as you need. These two days, I felt the house was too big for one person."

"Great. Thank you so much..."

"I think it's time for me to help you with the translation you asked for and to learn what you're doing here in general."

William smiled with his lovely dimples. "I haven't seen that smile in years. You haven't changed at all." She told to him.

"I'll take that as a compliment. So... Listen... I studied political science and public administration, then did some additional studies in sociology, roughly speaking! And I would come here to take some additional courses, but they were canceled. So, to get my degree, I have to work practically here, with the kids. I just need to complete a research project. I'll have to send it abroad, and that's why I'd like you to translate it for me."

"Ah, that sounds very interesting. Lots of information for today! Okay, we can start whenever you tell me."

"I need a little more time to finish it."

"Okay..ok.. Come, eat more of my cookies since I see you've been eyeing them for so long. Come on, come on, you still haven't washed your hands!" she said, handing him another one.

"Incredible!" he admitted with his mouth full.

"There's hot water if you want to take a bath after such a journey."

"You're perfect! Seeing you like this reminded me of when we used to make Christmas cookies ant sweets at my aunt's house. Do you remember when I got mad at you because I said you were making them badly, and you threw the whole bowl of flour on my head?"

"Oh, yeah, and then Alexandra's mom punished us and only let Alexandra go out to play in the neighborhood."

"Yeah, she locked us in the room until we found them." He said, and start to laugh.

"Okay, go take a bath, and we'll talk later."

"Galini," he said as he left.


"Smile more often! You're much more beautiful that way." Her smile became even brighter as a response.

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