Chapter 15 - Obsession after obsession

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I might start going back and forth with Hardt and Hart since they're the same thing so if you see Hardt or Hart it's basically the same thing



He was also on edge since Choi Han and the other's could come over here any moment. He just hopes it isn't now, but if it is he'll just have to pray.

Thankfully, courtesy to the God of Death the neckpiece he has on right now should block the scent from anyone who can sense ancient powers.


Deon looked to his right and spotted a group of assassins who were ready to attack him. Deon's heart started pounding even faster with the Unbreakable Shield ready to protect him. If he gets shot here it's over for him.

"Lofty Knights, we seem to have some guests."

Fuck it, he's not getting shot today. Getting shot hurts so why would he let the enemy harm him? Since he's already fucked up some of the plot he might as well fuck it up for real now.

"Make sure two are alive, we'll need to interrogate them." I also need to ask Jaykar if he was able to get any more information from the assassin.

"Got it!"

The Lofty Knights took out the drugs and swallowed them. Deon didn't really want them to use it but whatever works, as long as two people are still alive.

Afar from them was a group of two who were watching the conflict unfold. It was the King of Ileon and his close servant who watched the scene from afar in greed.

"That must be Deon Hardt right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Judging by his white hair and red eyes it should be the third hero."

"If we file a complaint saying that they ambushed us we could be rewarded tremendously by the Empire..."

The King of Ileon was as greedy and prideful as his name suggests. He only did things that benefited him whether it was bad or good he would still do it.

"Your Majesty if I may."

"Go ahead."

"I believe it'd be best to get on the third hero's good side as he is one of the Emperor's favorites."

"Hoh... You are right. If we get on his good side we might get on the Emperor's good side as well."

The King of Ileon began to stare at Deon in greed, thinking about the mass amount of wealth and honor he would get from using Deon.

Unaware of the king's new plans, Deon shivered. He felt like something bad was going to happen to him.

'Ugh... Is someone praying on my downfall?'

Deon looked at the now bloody battlefield. He didn't like the sight of it but had to bear it since it was now recorded in his head.

"Captain we finished!"

The Lofty Knights rushed over to Deon who was still in clean clothes, surprisingly. They held up two of the assassins in their arms who were now tied up and threw them on the ground.

'Ah, what crazy ass people. They scare me.'

(They are literally loyal to you to the point they'd murder the emperor for you but go off)

"What is the meaning of this?!"

Deon quickly turned at the new voice to see the King of Ileon and his servant. Although they looked mad Deon could see a pool of greed in the king's eyes.

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