Chapter 36 - The Coming of a War Against a Disaster

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At least he didn't need to do anything since the Heart of Vitality would be able to deal with it and he didn't need to request for something that could prevent his ears from swelling up. Now he was really decked out in divine items, from his neck and ears to his hands. They were now all adorned with divine items made by the God of Death specifically.

Was this what they called favoritism?


"Should I just prepare everything while I'm at it?"

"You probably should, I don't think you'll be staying here for longer. Be sure to stay safe, I'll also tell your big brother that."


Deon rubbed his ears as he went over to the drawers and pulled out the God of Death's book along with the top whip and the God of War's gun. He left the gun out on the drawer while putting the book and whip into the bag.

'Would extra daggers help?'

Taking a look at the extra daggers he received from the Emperor and Demon King, Deon decided to only take four. Partly because he had much more weapons that were way more powerful than those.

The dagger made which he can conjure by his divine powers was powerful in wide range attacks and could shape shift into whatever weapon he was thinking of. He also had the dagger of the world tree, since his blood was already on it he just needed to put it through a reincarnator's weak point and it'll immediately kill them.

He also had the God of War's gun he recently received today, the bullets were charged up by his ancient powers and took less of a toll on him when using it, sure he might feel tired as a backlash maybe but it wouldn't cause him to faint unlike him using it to the max.

Deon took his uniform and laid it on a chair, it's been two years since he's used it. He wasn't excited at all to wear it again, who would be? Fighting in war for eight years was torture, not to mention the fact that he had to continuously fight in all three lives.

"I'm not sure if they'll attack right away or if they'll start of negotiations. But we'll see."

Deon went to bed and laid on before closing his eyes slowly, unaware of what would happen in the near future. But not even God's could foretell what his future would be like, after all, he was a variable that not even the God of Balance could control as much.

(A/N): God of Balance isn't the world error btw, all Gods are fully fledged and none are Demi/half.. There's a reason why none of the world errors exist even though the original timeline exists in case you're wondering, though it may contain some plot holes.. (This is where I use my 'I'm a beginner writer' excuse card)


'I guess we're starting with negotiations today then...'

Deon looked above and watched as the two kings fought with words. On the other hand, the Demon King looks saintly enough for people wanting to side with him. While on the other hand, the Emperor is beginning to look like a bad ruler to his subjects. That thought is overruled when the Emperor brings up the fact that the demons would always be unreliable.

He was currently outside in a city, watching the debate. Of course, he was already in uniform but his cloak covered most of it so people didn't notice him while he stood there. Deon noticed that Daniel had brought in a new successor instead of having Paul now that he hadn't lost his home and Silla.


Deon cursed under his breath and immediately turned away when he realized that he and Daniel made eye contact with each other, he tried ignoring the older male but was too late as the older male was already in front of him.

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