Chapter 17 - Daunting Memories

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"Then we will guard the carriage as you two sit in the carriage."

Lianne excused herself and went with the other knights who were surrounding the carriage.


Deon sat awkwardly next to Cruel who said nothing as he looked outside of the carriage.

The silenced was stifling but it was better than sitting across from him. It probably would have been worse if he sat across from his brother.

Deon could feel something crawl up from his arm and shivered. But he soon calmed down after seeing what it was.

"Little saint, how come you never call for us? We still end up doing whatever we want because of this."

The maroon butterfly crawled onto Deon's shoulder with what seemed to be curiosity. They were divine beasts, most people would kill to use them or have them.

'Well, you need your freedom too right? It's stuffy having to hide yourself and not be able to do whatever you want.'

Maybe he was self-projecting himself onto these butterflies but not being able to do what you wanted and having to be hidden away isn't fun, even for animals.

"...We are divine beasts, we do not really have any emotions. We were created with divine power."

'But you still have a conscious like every living being, don't you?'

"You are very strange."

'A lot of people have said that about me.'

Many people have told him he was strange, sometimes in a good way or bad way. Either way, he didn't care.

'Sometimes I'm glad I can talk to you guys in my head rather than speaking out loud... I would sound crazy.'

"...Are we that strange?"

'No, it's just everyone thinks you guys are demonic beasts.'

"Demonic beasts?! How absurd, we are divine beasts! Much better than those mindless things. Whoever said this shall be met with our rage!"

'...Yes you are better than them.'

Deon couldn't refute at all. He felt like he'd be roasted to death or rather, his vitality would get sucked until he died. He doesn't want to face a divine beasts rage, that sounded terrifying.


The carriage stumbled and began to shake alerting Cruel and Deon. They began to hear swords clashing and people screaming.

Deon put his hand on the handle but was stopped by Cruel who pulled his hand back.

"Don't go, it could be dangerous."

Cruel said as he exited the carriage before Deon who sat there confused.


Cruel stepped out to see even the Lofty Knight's knocked out. He could see a group of three people standing in the midst of chaos.

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