Chapter 31 - Me or Him?

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'Wow, the God of Death seriously doesn't play when it comes to money.'

He looked at the pile of gold coins in amazement and shining eyes. This had to be the best day ever with the fact that he might be receiving even more money today from the emperor.


'I guess I have to get dressed now...'

Deon took a white buttoned up shirt paired with black pants and wore it. Usually, he'd need help with the buttoning part since he'd often button it the wrong way. Well, even if he did know how to dress himself up he felt like Sheri and the others wouldn't allow him to do so.


'What the?'

Was he suddenly sick? No, that can't be possible he has the Vitality of the Heart. That should prevent him from getting nasty scars and from diseases. Is it just too cold then?

Deon decided to brush it off as he went out of his room. He could see the servants that were hired by the emperor run off the moment they saw him.

'Wow... they're so scared of me that they run away it's actually shocking.'

It's not like he ever went into this manor in blood or threatened to kill someone. Most of the time he's ignore everyone, including Remember and some of the others as well. Deon wasn't as good when it came to communicating, at least when conversing with other people, staying quiet was just easier. Commanding was easier for him somehow, was he just cursed to be a commander in every life?

Deon walked to the main office where most of his belongings were at since he was too lazy to place them anywhere else. By the time he got there, he could see the book that he found in the Mogeru Kingdom from the God of Death.

'I should write down everything I know.'

He took a pen out from the drawer and wrote on a piece of paper in Korean so that nobody would be able to understand. Deon knew that he'd be switching sides when fighting in the war a lot and eventually a rumor of the Zeroth Corps Commander and Deon Hardt being the same person would surface.

'Which is why I will only use my ancient powers in the Demonic Realm.'

If he used only his ancient powers when fighting for the Demon King then only using a dagger on the Empire's side, rumors of Demon Arut and Deon Hardt wouldn't happen at all.

'I just hope nothing bad happens during that time...'

He would also have to deal with the assassins that were going to dispatched during the war if he didn't want his brother to die.

'It's also said that hero's chosen by the world would eventually forget their name. Now I'm starting to feel bad for Cassius.'

Imagine being a normal kid one day and the next second you become a hero and was trained like crazy, only to forget your own name and the only thing left to identify you was your urge to kill the Demon King?

'Is there a way to get rid of the fragment? Besides the identity part, I don't want to die!'

Wait, if he just asks the Gods maybe they could get rid of the fragment for him. It would definitely help him in a lot of different ways if they just got rid of it.

(Did I just prevent the birth of Deceiver....)

"My lord, the crown prince is here."

"Oh... tell him I'll be right there after a few moments." Let me mentally prepare myself first!

The 0th Corps Commander Became Trash! [ TCF x INTKOT ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora