Chapter 41 - Hyung-nim!

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Eduardo sat in place and sighed, what he was doing was definitely against what the Empire had been doing for all of these ages. But the otherworldly people were a much larger threat than the Demonic Realm who would also suffer from the actions of the third party.


'Why am I here again...'

Deon walked in and saw the Demon King who was writing something on a piece of paper. He just wanted to slack off and sleep. Moreover, Cruel was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah, my dear treasure. You're here, go take this to the Emperor."

Caver stood up from his seat and made his way to Deon who had just entered the room. He placed a fancy scroll into Deon's hands that were already out.

"..Y-yes...?" Again with that treasure bullshit! Why does he keep calling me that?

Deon stared at the scroll in his hands, it was personally stamped by the Demon King. Since he told him to give it to the Emperor it definitely had something to do with the ongoing conflict.

Caver watched as Deon walked out of the office and a smile crept up onto his face.

'I can't wait to see how your fate will unfold, my dear Arut.'


Deon walked through the Emperor's palace, he could see people whispering amongst each other while looking at him. They probably think he killed Cruel, but why would he? Maybe it was all for the better, they could all avoid him and he wouldn't need to deal with their shenanigans.



Cruel made his way over to Deon and patted the whitehead on the head. This would have been fine usually, but he did it right in front of the Duke's face! He seriously had no fear or shame in doing so.

Deon could see the Stave's expression go from skepticism to fuming. Hell, he could even see a vein about to pop in the Duke's face as Cruel continued to fix his outfit.

"Sir Cruel, what is the meaning of this?"

I thought you were trying to protect yourself from Deon Hardt, was what the Duke was trying to say. Cruel looked at the Duke with a cold look.

"I thought I told you? I wanted to protect something"

'Hold on, this is straying off course! You aren't supposed to do that!'

No, Cruel Hardt would have never exposed himself like this. But he only did this because soon, the Duke wouldn't be able to lay a hand on Deon no matter what his excuse would be.

"Is that the scroll he told you to deliver?"

"How did you know?"

Deon tilted his head to the side, quite adorably in fact. It made Cruel want to pinch his brother's cheeks but resisted the urge to do so.

"He told me beforehand."

'So I was completely left out on this?'

Deon knew that the Demon King would form a new plan after new unforeseen variables would show up. But, wouldn't allying with the Empire cause backlash from the people on both sides?


Eduardo motioned the two Hardt siblings to enter his office, he took the scroll in Deon's hands and unfolded it. Cruel and Deon stood as they watched the Emperor read whatever was on the scroll in front of them.

Deon could conclude that it most likely had to do something with the negotiations and the new collaboration between the two. How surprising would it be for the Empire's people and the whole world to suddenly hear about the Demonic Realm and Human Realm now suddenly joining hands? Surely, even the Revolutionary Army wouldn't be able to guess it either.

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