Chapter 45 - Blood Samples

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It was weird meeting the both of them since she and her other siblings had never met their fathers. But now, it might've been worth it to be regressed back in time to when her father was alive.


'God of Death... Do you have something to say?'


Deon received no answer after calling the God of Death, as expected, the God of Death refused to disclose any information about him once again. Anything that had to do with his past was not disclosed.

He looked at 'Hana', or well Observer, and then at Deceiver. Hana was now calm and quiet and unlike how she used to be, outgoing and energetic.

Wait, but this meant that Hana wasn't a vampire due to her sclera being black.

Moving on from that spectacle, what does this kid mean that he's his dad? Hana and this kid knew each other? Usually, he would say he knew what was happening, but this time he actually had no idea what was going on. The only thing he picked up was that he was apparently this kid's dad.

"Deceiver, you're here too..."

'Deceiver, Observer, who named you guys...'

Deon looked at his supposed biological children, Hana who was now quiet, and Deceiver who was still hugging him. He completely ignored the fact that the two called him their father, sometimes it was best to stay in the dark about some things.

"...Calm down.."

He patted Deceiver's head who sniffled, Hana felt like rolling her eyes at the scheming Deceiver. While Deceiver did miss and cherish their father, he did not act like this, he was as cunning and pitiful but cruel as the Demon King.

After some time, Deceiver eventually 'calmed down' and Deon could see the boy's features more clearly. Deceiver was a carbon copy of him, from their hair, eyes, and facial features. Deceiver was a perfect copy of Deon, minus the sclera while Hana represented the Demon King more.

No, he's just overthinking things, these guys couldn't be the Demon King's kids at all. Since when did he even have kids? Yeah, he was just overthinking things!

"Do you want to go home now?"

He turned to the two siblings who nodded in response, but just as Deon was about to get up, Hana channeled her magic and teleported them out of the forest. Perhaps it was the best decision as both Deceiver and Hana could feel a presence lurking in the back, it was only because they could sense magic.

They could feel someone far away using magic to remain hidden. It was either that the person who was doing so was rather immature and didn't know how to conceal their magic, or it was someone purposefully using magic on purpose.


Deon landed on his bed with Deceiver landing right on the side of him. He sat up, took off his cloak, and laid it on the nightstand.

"Tomorrow I have to head to the Demonic Realm, damn it... Whatever, it's better than being here."

Both Deceiver and Hana listened to Deon talking to himself while he wrote something unreadable down and burnt it. They then saw Deon write on another piece of paper before a Death Butterfly landed on his side and took the note.

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