Chapter 18 - Oracles Revelation

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Both replied at the same time and looked at each other with a look saying — when did you get a stigmata at the same time as me?

"That's great. Please come with me, my grandmother and I will explain to you in private."


'This is the person who called me a disaster.'

Deon took off his hood when he arrived inside the palace and looked at the elderly women who was supposed to look at him negatively, this time she was looking at both him and Cruel anxiously and in concern.

"You child..."

The shaman grabbed ahold of Cruel who stood still the whole time. He didn't know a lot, only except that his brother was in grave danger and that he might not ever see him again, thats what the veiled man with white hair similar to Deon told him.

"You have to protect the child of purity! The moment the child of purity is taken, this whole world will collapse!"

"Child of purity...?"

Deon peeked behind from Cruel's back with curiosity. Who the hell is a child of pureness? It couldn't be him, he wasn't a 'pure child' at all.

"Ahem, I'll explain. Colors also have an assigned role to them. Pureness is directly linked to white, when she says child of purity she meant a child with white hair who is the epitome of innocence and they-"

"You- it's you!"

The elderly woman shifted her gaze onto Deon who was still hiding from behind Cruel. Deon was still behind Cruel flinched at the sudden yelling. She wasn't about to call him a disaster right there and then right?

"You mustn't fall into the temptation of those otherworldly disasters!"

'Otherworldy... No way, does she mean Choi-Han and the others?!'

"Ahem... Time to butt in! Sorry we weren't able to prevent them from getting here, we first calculated that they'd arrive at least tomorrow from the progress they were making. This is why we improvised and made a oracle to prevent them from getting near you."

'What if they go to the Demonic Realm?'

"That won't be possible, they all despise demons ever since they found out that the White Star was going to summon the God of Despair."

'Oh that's good... That means only some other kingdoms might accept them in then. The Empire has many enemies so they'd bound to find a place to settle down.'

"That is true, you just have to hope they don't though. Since we did add in the oracle that if you go down the whole world will."

'Wow, that's some top tier lying.'

The God of Death stayed silent as Deon said that. He couldn't actually tell his (self proclaimed) child that this could actually happen. But if he said that his child would curse him out even more! But surely Cruel wouldn't hate him too right?

(Wellll.... about that!)

"I won't." I made my decision long ago, no way am I ever going back to that wretched place that used to be called home.

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