Chapter 22 - Demon Arut's return

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Dan happily followed Deon back to the estate. At times like this, he really did appear to be like a kid (and a dog). It made him notice that most of the novels he had read all had mostly no good endings to it at all.

And he always managed to end up in that said novel.



"My Lord, you're back."

"Yes, take care of him while I go on a mission for a while."

Deon (miraculously ) pushed Dan over to Remember who caught the boy immediately. Deon could feel the Lofty Knights rushing towards him and immediately headed off on his horse.


"You can't abandon us!"

"Please take us with you captain!"

"Remember- don't let them near me!"

Deon quickened his pace as the Lofty Knights tried to get to him. The keyword was tried, Remember immediately lifted up Cletter with one hand and caused the rest of the Lofty Knights to fall one after another.

"Are you alright?"


The Lofty Knights wanted to cry. How could their captain just leave them alone while he ran away?! Especially with the Emperor who was as scary as ever! Everyone may call them rabid dogs who have no sense of danger but that was completely off the hook. Though they may be reckless a lot of times they know when something or someone is dangerous and that someone is definitely the Emperor, their captain may be brutal and cold but he treats them as equals, maybe even family, and doesn't see them as disposable things.

While Deon was heading to the Demonic Realm as tired as ever of almost everyone around him. How come no one is able to leave him alone?

Deon slowed his pace as he got near the Demonic Realm. He knew that the Emperor's knights and the Revolutionary Army were right behind him and his brother was also arriving. He ignored the distant sound of swords clashing and people screaming as he headed into the Demonic Realm.

'He'll still find out either way ugh...'

Deon took a quick look behind. He could see that no one was there and kept going on the path to the Demonic Realm. He wasn't even sure why he looked but he felt like something was way off than what was supposed to happen.

Meanwhile Cruel held his bloody sword out in front of two hooded men. Yes, that's right, it was Choi Han and Eruhaben. They followed him to where he was. Cruel could only block where Deon was headed, he couldn't let these people head to where Deon was.

"Let me ask you again."

Eruhaben waved his hand and a swirl of dust appeared around Cruel who stood still, he could tell that one move and he was a goner. He didn't know why these bastards kept trying to go after Deon and him.

"Where is Cale Henituse? I'm sure you know something since you have a scent of his ancient power on you."

"Again, I said I don't know who that is."

Cruel was baffled. Did these people seriously go after him for someone he didn't know? He already said he didn't know who Cale Henituse was, why would they ask him again?

"If you're going to ask, at least give me a description of what they look like. There's no noble named Cale Henituse."

"But how do you know that?"

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