Chapter 35 - Power of Death!

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'What the- was I overthinking too much?'

Deon saw the blood dripping onto his hand and tried to cover his nose. While some did drop onto the floor, most of the blood went onto the handkerchief Cruel carried with him. And Deon could recognize that handkerchief anywhere, there was now blood on it but it was definitely the one he gave to Cruel!



"Don't talk, there's still blood running down your nose, it might get in your mouth."

Cruel continued to wipe the blood off of Deon's nose who stood still and let him do so. He noticed that Deon was bleeding a lot more than before, usually, he'd bleed just a little but now he was bleeding a lot worse than just puking up blood ever since the hunting competition. Cruel was beginning to worry even because this amount of blood should have killed someone already.

Deon had no time to explain what was going on since he never told Cruel that his soul was starting to break. Well, he didn't know that Cruel was aware of it all and that this was the second phase, but if he knew that he'd start cussing the God of Death out.

"Now it's all gone. What was it that you wanted to say that you followed me?"

"Umm... This, I wanted to give it to you..."

Deon put the box with the protection necklace into Cruel's hand. He could see Cruel opening the box and looked at the necklace skeptically, Deon thought that Cruel was still skeptical and tried to explain.

"It's a necklace with protection runes engraved on it-"

"Thank you."

Cruel smiled as he ruffled Deon's head while putting on the necklace. Though, unbeknownst to the two, many people were able to witness the sibling's interaction. Their faces were a mix of shock and pleasantry, they didn't know how to react since they all thought that the two brothers hated each other, but here they were acting like actual siblings!

"You should get home before it's late."


He said okay, but was Deon really going to listen? No, not at all, he's gonna go to the God of Death's temple today and scam the shit out of the priests and make them. Deon waited for Cruel to leave before heading in the opposite direction to the Hardt manor.

By the time he made it to the God of Death's temple, he could see priests waiting outside for him already, his guess? It was obviously the God of Death's doing since he could send out messages to his priests as long as they were in the prayer room. The priests went out of his way as he continued walking inside the temple.

When he got in, Deon could see what seemed to be the high priest talking to someone of his age. The person was very loud and arrogant, just watching his expressions and tone annoyed him. He guessed it was the supposed saint candidate since saint candidates could also exist, if the candidate was deemed not to be an actual saint then they could either leave the temple or remain as a priest there.

"Are you the high priest?"


'Ugh... he also already knows I'm a saint.'

Deon internally groaned as he gave a fake smile to the high priest. He ignored the supposed saint candidate who was clenching his hands like he was about to punch him.

"I am Deon-"

"Saint? What saint?! I'm clearly a saint, don't you remember choosing me as a saint candidate-"

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