Meet Cute (skz)

491 14 16

A collection of meet-cute scenarios between you and your bias :)

word count: 6568

🖤Bang Chan🖤

You'd spent the entire night working on a massive project for your global economics class. Everything was perfect and ready to go. You had on your favorite white blouse and jeans on and had even woken up early enough to go by your favorite coffee shop before class.

You heard your name called by the barista and went to retrieve the iced latte. When you turned around, you bumped straight into a guy built like a wall. He didn't move at all but your drink spilled on you and you dropped your laptop in surprise at the chilled liquid.

He moved quickly in impulse to stop it from hitting the ground and saved it just in time.

"I'm so sorry," you apologized. You took the laptop and looked down at your coffee-covered outfit. "Shit."

Before he could reply, you headed to the bathroom and tried to clean it off, but it just made your blouse see-through. "Oh no!" you panicked.

"Is everything okay in there?" a sexy Australian accent asked with a knock on the door.

"Oh it's great," you replied sarcastically.

"You dropped your flash drive," he told you.

"Crap," you mumbled, eyeing the empty USB port. You walked towards the door and cracked it open slightly.

He smirked at the way you were hiding yourself. "Need any help?"

"All good!" you told him. You held your hand out, but fumbled the flash drive, dropping it to the ground.

You both fell to retrieve it and your forehead bumped his nose, causing it to bleed.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" you told him. You grabbed the flash drive and then pulled him into the bathroom with you by his elbow.

He was holding his nose in the air, and you rushed to grab a wad of toilet paper for him to use.

"I swear I'm usually never this clumsy," you promised.

"It's alright," he laughed. He looked down at you with an amused smile but coughed awkwardly and looked away when he noticed your wet shirt.

"Shit," you covered yourself with your hands and moved to the hand dryer to at least make the fabric opaque again. "I can't get the stain out, and I have a presentation in a few minutes," you explained to him.

You turned around and ran right into him again. This time, his chest was bare, and he held his light blue button-up shirt out to you. You couldn't overlook how toned his abs were.

"Here," he offered.

"Oh! Thank you, but I can't take your shirt," you argued.

"Don't take it then. Borrow it," he flashed a dimple at you.

"I don't even know you," you laughed awkwardly. His half-naked body was definitely making you feel hot.

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