What Happens in Vegas Pt 1 (Chan)

491 11 13

content warning: sex, degrading language, top chan

word count: 3679

"Bitch! You look so hot!" your friend, Mia, squealed when you stepped out of the bathroom and into the hotel room. You spun around to give her the full effect.

You had on a black embellished dress with a very exposed back. You paired it with black heels that had cute sequined bows on the ankle.

"Are you sure it's not too much?" you asked her again. When we'd arrived this morning, everyone was wearing jeans and a sparkly top. You didn't want to stand out too much.

"You only turn 21 once, (y/n). Don't overthink it," she handed you another shot, and you downed it easily.

She put your wallet into her purse since you had a habit of drinking and losing yours, and you headed out the door with nothing but your phone and a hotel key.

"You don't need that," she laughed. You walked over to the vase on the table in front of the elevators and hid your key underneath it.

"In case we get separated," you shrugged.

"You mean in case you want to bring a guy up here?" she laughed.

"Or if you find one," you argued.

"Fair," she replied. She almost never went home alone. The elevator dinged, and we got on. "So we obviously need to play blackjack."

"Why?" you asked.

"You're turning 21 in 10 minutes. It's good luck to be playing 21 when you're turning 21."

"Says who?" you laughed.

"Me!" she shouted and pulled you off of the elevator in a sprint towards the casino floor.

After having your ID checked and convincing the bouncer not to put an embarrassing X on your hand because you were 2 minutes early, she dragged you over to a blackjack table.

"Stay here and learn the rules, I'll get us some drinks!" she chanted as she headed to the nearby bar.

You sat quietly, observing the round you'd stumbled into mid-game. A woman tapped the green felt table and groaned in frustration before storming away, leaving her chips behind.

The man next to you tapped the table. The dealer waited for a decision from him as he did the mental math before tapping again. He was given another card and flashed a dimpled smile before revealing he had hit exactly 21.

You looked in surprise at the cards, impressed by his win, and how easy he had made it look.

"Another win?" the dealer laughed.

"What can I say? 21 is my lucky number," he laughed as he collected his earned chips.

Mia returned and handed you a drink. It was exactly midnight, and she clinked her glass against yours before pulling out her phone to take a picture. "First legal drink!" she announced, and your face blushed bright pink as you smiled for her.

"Told you," the guy next to you winked at the dealer.

Mia placed down a $20 bill for you to get a few chips to play with, and you thanked her. "Don't lose!" she smiled.

"Do you know how to play?" the dealer asked.

"Don't go over 21?" you answered.

"Exactly," he grinned. "Take it easy on her, will you?" the dealer asked the guy beside you.

"We'll see," he replied with a smug grin.

The dealer rolled his eyes, and your cards were dealt. You flipped the corners of your cards to reveal a 2 and a 9.

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