Roommates (Yunho)

245 10 14

content warning: fluffy

word count: 2102

You were getting ready for your date and had just strapped on your final heel. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. Your red dress and nude heels looked cute with your black bag and red lipstick. Your hair was curled perfectly, and you texted your date to find out how far they were.

You went to the living room to wait since they were supposed to pick you up any minute now.

"What are you so dressed up for?" Yunho eyed you while munching on a bag of chips and playing his favorite video game.

"I have a date," you told him.

"Like a date-date or an I-need-to-wear-earplugs-to-bed kind of date?"

You slapped his shoulder, "Depends."

"Based on the dress, I'm guessing ear plugs," he stared at where the hem had ridden up and clenched his jaw. You pulled it back down.

Yunho hadn't been your first choice to room with, but moving to a city where you didn't know anyone left you with limited options. He was a friend of a friend so at least you knew he wouldn't murder you in your sleep. But his boyishness was annoying and so were the Christmas ornaments he kept out around his room year-round.

"When is he getting here? Should I intimidate him?" He looked eager at the idea but you shook your head

"Don't you dare. He should be here soon."

"What time?" he rolled his eyes.

You checked your phone. He still hadn't texted you but he was supposed to pick you up at 7:00. It was 7:12 now. He must've just gotten lost.

"Any minute now."

Yunho furrowed his brows and continued playing his game. You stared at your phone in anticipation, waiting for a response but it never came. Yunho kept glancing at you, waiting for you to leave.

At 7:20 you went to message him on Tinder and your heart sank. He'd unmatched you...

Your eyes brimmed with tears at the feeling of rejection you'd grown familiar with and you walked back to your room, slamming the door behind you as you wiped away the drops on your cheek.

It seemed that no matter how often you put yourself out there, you were never good enough. It hurt so much because you felt like you were trying so hard.

There was a light tap on the door and Yunho opened it as you were unstrapping your heels.

"I'm fine," you sniffed before he could ask.

Yunho leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "He's a jerk, (y/n). Any decent guy that couldn't make it would've at least told you."

"I'm fine," you repeated. "I don't need your sympathy. I didn't even know him."

Yunho shook his head and walked towards you. He grabbed your hands and lifted you to stand from where you were seated on the bed. He pulled you in for a comforting hug. His arms wrapped around you completely, swallowing you whole.

"It just sucks," you complained through tears. "I try so hard to meet people, and it never works."

"I know," he soothed, he pulled away with a smile. "Get your shoes back on."

"Why?" you asked.

"I'm taking you out."

"You?" you laughed.

"Yeah, me." He looked at you sincerely, "You wanted a date, so now you've got one."

With that, he headed off to get changed before you could argue any further. Your heart fluttered at the idea of a date with Yunho. You wondered how it would be different than hanging out with him normally? You also wondered if it was crossing a boundary or if it was just a pity date that wouldn't count.

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