Chapter two - Keefe's pov -

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At the lunch table, Keefe patiently waited for Sophie to finish debating over her food and come sit with him. He had saved her a seat right next to him and he hoped she wouldn't be too mad. However, his spirits were crushed when he noticed her face scrunch up but he quickly masked it with a joke. "Foster, Foster, I get that you're disappointed because your seat isn't next to Wonderboy over there." He gestured over to his buddy Fitz. "But ya still got me so could ya be a bit nicer?" He laughed but he was sure she could sense a hint of sadness. She looked around to her friends and he tried not to let the fact her gaze was on Fitz a little longer than usual got to him.

"I'm not too disappointed Keefe" She tried to reassure.

"Oh don't worry, I know you just can't resist me."

"Nah, I'm just sad that I have to see your face again." She snarkly fought back before nudging him in the shoulder.

He laughed with her and the mood lightened, but he noticed Fitz wasn't that happy and was trying to hide his jealousy. Suddenly Fitz quickly changed his demeanor. "So, did Biana tell you all about the amusement park idea I had?" Dex started with his dimples flashing in a huge smile.

"That was your idea?" Tam said confused.

"Well, yeah. I told Biana to tell you guys since I couldn't find ya" Dex replied shrugging.

"I was told that this was the 'queen herself's' own idea.." He glared at Biana

"Oh- uh..." She flushed.

"Looks like someones blushing~" Linh added with a giggle.

Sophie and Keefe laughed together and everyone followed after having a good time and chatting.

. . . 

In the driveway of the school parking lot, he saw Sophie get into her car and start to drive off. "Hey Foster!" Keefe yelled, trying to catch her attention. When she didn't respond and drove off, he instead tried to call her on his phone. 

No response.

Finally, he sent a text message.

Keefe: Hey Foster, I was trying to get your attention but your phone seems to be on silent haha. Anyways I was wondering If I could come over after school to ask for help with some schoolwork? If you don't respond I'll hop by anyways ;). I'll be there at 7:30. Seeya there!


He sighed and started walking to his car. As he started the engine and sped off to his house, he started dreading the thought and slowed down instead. Of course that "schoolwork" reason was just a ploy. He instead wanted to hang out with Sophie a bit more. He knew she wouldn't have accepted if it was just a hangout. She probably didn't even like him that way...

As he mused on the thought for a bit, he didn't notice that he had arrived home. 

Sounds of bickering bounced off the walls of the huge manor and he heaved a sigh as he slowly dragged inside. I guess I'm back here again. He thought to himself. Slowly, he opened the front door and trudged inside.

What If We Crossed the Line? - SoKeefe Story - Human AUWhere stories live. Discover now