Chapter Five - Sophie's pov -

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The next few days blurred by. Especially since Sophie was trying her best to avoid Keefe. Grady's reason for the 'No dating' rule made sense but even she couldn't straighten her emotions. It was a mix of feelings, growling in her stomach as she passed by the classes walking to her own. Her heart broke a bit every time she had to turn away or ignore Keefe's calls. But she carried on, not wanting to be tempted. Biana and Dex tried their best to get her attention and bring her out of her Sophie Shell but no matter what they tried, she remained numb and quiet. Exasperated, they left her to do what she wanted. 

However, the day before break, Keefe stopped infront of her and blocked her on her way to her car. 

"Foster, we need to talk."

She mumbled and tried to get by.

"No, please Sophie. I need to talk to you." He pleaded and gazed into her face. 

She felt her cheeks turn warm and looked away and said, "Is this about what happened at my house?"

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, squirming, "I didn't want to bring it up, but you've been a shell of yourselves these past few days. I miss my foster." He looked away and she could have sworn she saw a tear run down. "It's not the same. Are you mad at me? Did I get you in trouble with Grady? Is that why you're ignoring me?"

"No no no Keefe! It's not that-" She assured him, moving his face toward her with her hand. She looked up into his face, a mix of emotions was etched into his brows. "I'm sorry that I've ignored you. I was scared that I would break my dads new rule." 

"New rule?" He said raising an eyebrow.

When she explained everything he stepped back, as if to create distance. Her heart hurt but she tried to not show it. "I-I'm sorry about that. I didn't know that I ruined your love life."

"You didn't ruin it Keef-"

"Yeah, I did. Because of me you might not get to date until you're like 30 years old!" He said, interrupting.

A smile twitched on her lips and she replied, saying, "Keefe, we both know thats not true."

"I guess," He said with a sigh and chuckled. "So are you out of you're Sophie shell?"

"Mm- Maybe... Maybe not"

"Ugh, please, I cannot deal with her anymore. I need you back." He said teasingly but she could almost sense some feeling into it.

"Alright." She said, leaning in for a hug.

"See you tomorrow at the amusement park?" He said hugging her back.

"Of course" 

She embraced his hug for a couple more seconds before letting go and heading home.

{A/N: I kinda lost my spark but I hope this is good enough. I'll try to post more often and have longer chapters and povs. Also, the next chapter after I write Keefe's pov will be when the whole group goes to the amuesment park. And it might include some special povs. So fun! :') Anyways, make sure to drink plenty of water and get lotsa sleep! Ly <3}

What If We Crossed the Line? - SoKeefe Story - Human AUWhere stories live. Discover now