Chapter Six - Keefe's pov -

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It was Sunday morning. Keefe had arrived at Sophie's house to pick her up. Her phone was off, again, so he decided to just show up instead. When he knocked on the door, Edaline greeted him with a warm smile. The smell of baked goods hit him again and he took a deep breath, smelling all the sweet treats.

"Hello Mrs. Rue-  Edaline." He started.

"Why hello there Keefe, I suppose you're here to pick up Sophie?" She said looking up at him.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure her and the others are gonna use my car as well."

"Well, you two have a good time. Make sure to take lots of pictures for me!"

"Of course." He laughed. 

"I'll let you go then. Come on in."

"Where's Grady?" He asked, a bit scared.

"Oh don't worry he had an important meeting." She assured him.

"Oh phew.." He said, relieved.

As he climbed her stairs, he noticed she was still in her room. Huh, she's not out yet? He thought to himself. He quietly knocked on her door, in case she was still asleep. Its 8:56 am though...

"Come in!" He heard her yell. He thankfully sighed, now sure she was awake and changed. However, as he creaked the door open he heard a loud gasp and saw her still in bed. 

"Wait, Keef- Get out!" She screamed covering herself with her blankets. He assumed she wasn't changed yet and tried not to look, but he could still see a bit of her body.

"Eek, sorry!" He screamed, slamming the door just as quickly as she yelled.

"What are you even doing here!?" She shouted, and he heard her skittering across the room, hopefully to her closet."How did Grady even let you in?" She continued.

"Funny story-" He tousled his hair.


"Fine fine. He left for some important meeting. Edaline let me in."

"Ugh, Keefe. I just woke up."

"I can tell Foster. You have that cute when angry face on right now, right?" He slightly blushed, imagining her face.

"KEEFE!" He then heard her emerge from her closet.

"Can I come in now?" He quietly asked.

"I guess.. I still have to brush my teeth and stuff."

Mustering up confidence, he announced "I'm coming in!" before doing an over the top grand entrance into her room. He saw her look at him through the mirror and check him out. Blushing, he grinned and tousled his hair again, as she turned away.

"Can't resist to check me out, huh Foster?" He added.

"Get over yourself!" She snapped back and turned with a humph. He hoped she didn't see his cheeks tint red.

He gazed at her from her slightly braided hair, to her brown eyes, and finally to her soft lips. When she blushed, she coughed and and started to walk out of the room. "Lets get going then. Are you driving me there?"

"Yeah," he replied and followed her downstairs, still in a daze.

. . .

Sophie and Keefe pulled up the the Vacker's home. Their large mansion overlooked the mountains and had a beautiful shimmering pool and lake. It was a architectural wonder that combined both Modern-Maximalisim and Luxurious Gardening.

When the entered the grand hall, Biana rushed up and greeted him and Sophie.

"Eek! You guys are finally here! I won't mention the fact that you two came together don't worry." She added mumbling with a wink. Keefe flushed with embarrassment and turned away.  

"Yeah, yeah... is everyone there?" He heard Sophie ask.

"Yep, we're all waiting for you two."

Following Biana, Keefe and Sophie met up with Fitz, Dex, Tam, Linh, and Marella. When they all sat down to go over the agenda for the hangout. (Fitz's Idea) Biana did a head count and explained the budget for the day.

"Alright so there is 8 of us, including me, and our budget limit is $500. Thanks to Fitz" She grumbled while her brother grinned.

"Can't waste too much money." He shrugged.

"Anyways.. There is no entry fee. Thankfully. Therefore, we can buy 50 tickets each for $30 dollars. So everyone gets to choose 5 rides or games. That leaves us with $260 for food or anything extra, so you guys gotta spend wisely. Which isn't my favorite thing to do..." She mumbled again.

Once everyone agreed, they all hopped into 2 cars: Biana, Fitz, Dex, and Marella in Fitz's car. Sophie, Keefe, and the twins in Keefe's car.

Off they were! To have a fantastic day at Amusement Park! Maybe I'll get a chance today.. Keefe silently thought as he drove them off.

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