Chapter 4: A Game to Die For

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Note: I made up the name for the Slytherin Keeper as their Keeper did not have a name in canon in 1996-1997. The only other change I made is that Draco is their captain when he wasn't in canon. The rest of both teams are from canon.


Harry stared absently straight ahead as he pulled on his gloves and adjusted them. The first Quidditch match of the year had finally come: Slytherin versus Gryffindor. He had to admit he was nervous, considering the temperament of everyone in the school. He was also anxious about how his team would perform. Their ability to work as a team had continued to be hit or miss in practice. Even now, no one was speaking.

He gave up fiddling with his gloves and walked over to grab his broom. They would be called to the pitch soon. He glanced around at his team.

"Everyone, huddle up," he called out.

They all looked at him before moving to join him.

"It's the first match and we have a lot to prove," he said. "This is a brand new team. Today is when we prove we're just as good and even better than any other team that's come before us."

He paused to gauge reaction. There wasn't much of one and he sighed.

"You each know what to do. You made the team for a reason. You're good, but today, you have to be great. To do that, you have to work together. Use our plays, make calls, and rely on each other. Whatever issues you have, you leave in here," Harry said. He looked at each of them in turn. "Got it?"

"Got it, Captain," they all said together. It wasn't as enthusiastic as he would've liked, but he would take it.

"Good. Let's go."

He led the way to the doors to the pitch. They stood in twos with Harry alone in front. He took a deep breath as the doors opened with Seamus Finnigan announcing their team's entrance. They hopped onto their brooms and zoomed into the air, circling the pitch. He flew to the center of the pitch to wait for Malfoy and his team.

It was only a few seconds later that he watched the Slytherins make their own rounds of the pitch before taking their positions, Malfoy in front of him.

They stared steadily into each other's eyes, hardly listening to Madam Hooch review the rules and reinforce her desire for a clean game. Given how the year had been going so far, he was certain she shouldn't get her hopes up.

"Captains, shake hands."

Their eyes narrowing, Harry and Malfoy clasped hands. Harry frowned when a feeling of electricity travelled up his arm. He had little time to contemplate, however, as they released each other after only a second and flew off, replaced by Chasers.

He glanced away from Ginny and at Ron. He knew his friend had been extremely nervous for his first match. Harry gave a small smile and nod when their eyes met, receiving the same in return.

He returned his attention to Ginny in the center just as the whistle was blown and the Quaffle released. Ginny won the throw, but not without receiving an immediate shoulder check from Vaisey as she flew past. The Slytherin Chaser raced after her. Ginny ducked under a Bludger and was nearly in range to take a shot on Keeper Isaac Claimorn when Chaser Cassius Warrington came from seemingly nowhere and rushed Ginny, punching the Quaffle out from where it was tucked under her arm. Harry winced in sympathy as he saw the force of the punch wrench her arm and then it was pulled even harder when Warrington purposely hooked his arm into hers after the punch as he flew by.

Keeping an eye on Malfoy, Harry tracked the game, slowly moving around the outside. It didn't take long for the match to turn vicious. Neither team was holding back, allowing the game to be an excuse to act on the anger and hatred they all felt. He wasn't listening to Seamus' commentary, more focused on watching what was happening and hoping no one was killed.

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