Chapter 26: The End Would be Death

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Harry's eyes grew wide as he realized he was suspended from the ceiling, shackles around his wrists and keeping him just on his toes. In front of him was Severus, knelt on the stone floor and his head bowed. Towering over Severus was Voldemort, red eyes blazing down at Severus from his snake-like face. Harry shook his head and struggled against his chains. This wasn't real. Voldemort wasn't real. This wasn't happening, it couldn't be!

"You are mine, are you not, Severus?" Voldemort said, hissing Severus' name.

"Yes, my lord," Severus said.

"I want you to prove it," Voldemort said.

"Anything you wish, my lord," Severus said.

Harry fought his bonds, heart pounding at what was going to happen while still trying to tell himself it couldn't be real. It had to be a nightmare created by Dumbledore so he had to wake up. It would be nothing but a bad dream if he just woke up.

"Crucio!" Voldemort snarled and Severus' body shook violently under the onslaught.

"No! Stop it!" Harry cried, pulling violently at his chains and feeling them break his skin. "This isn't real!"

"Oh, isn't it?" Voldemort drawled, cancelling the curse on Severus. "Dear Severus, show our guest that this is very real."

"Yes, my lord."

Harry watched with wide eyes as Severus stood and walked over to him until they were face to face.

"Dad," Harry said. "Dad, please."

"It would seem you are delusional, Potter," Severus sneered.

Harry flinched at the derision and looked into Severus' eyes. There was an emptiness there and Harry knew it was Dumbledore. The headmaster had to be using Severus' mark and his scar, manipulating their minds. He needed to wake up, to break the connection, to stop the control and manipulation.

"Please, don't," Harry whispered pleadingly.

"Crucio," Severus snapped and Harry screamed at the agony burning down to his very core. He gasped out a breath when the curse ended, slumping in his chains.

"Yes, Severus," Voldemort hissed as he came up behind Severus. "You will do anything I ask, anything to prove your loyalty."

"Yes, my lord."

"Do you see, Harry?"

Harry raised his head when he realized the voice had changed. He glared hatefully as he met the eyes of Dumbledore over Severus' shoulder. He pulled at his shackles again.

"You are trapped in my world and I can easily take everything from you," Dumbledore said. "You cannot win this fight. You are destined to fulfill the role I have given you. Refuse and I destroy everything you hold dear."

Dumbledore raised his wand and Severus fell to his knees, trembling under the Cruciatus. Harry bit his lip to stop from screaming on behalf of his father, torn apart having to watch his torment. Harry moved his eyes back to the headmaster, glaring at the smirk on the wrinkled face.

"If you know everything, why the games? Why not just end me right now?" Harry said angrily.

The sneering grin that crossed Dumbledore's face made Harry's skin crawl, a shudder running up his spine.

"Don't you know, my dear boy?" Dumbledore said, stepping up so he could talk directly into Harry's ear. "Crushing your hope will make the end of this game...delicious. You belong to me and your end is inevitable."

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