Chapter 19: To Remember

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The adrenaline wearing off, Harry groaned at the pain he was in and sighed in exhaustion, mental, emotional, and physical. He climbed out of the core and gazed around the Chamber.

He'd done it. He got Gryffindor's sword. They were one small step closer to ending Dumbledore's reign.

He frowned at yet another sensation and looked at his bracelet.

H? OK?

He let his eyes close, remembering what had been happening when he went after the sword, and remembering Ron and Hermione were likely terrified for him. He'd have to explain what happened in the trial. He groaned again, but sent a return message.

OK. CoS.

He blew out a breath and turned to stare into the giant face of Slytherin. His emotions were all over the place from the fear of the trial, overcoming the trial, and his regained memories. He couldn't believe everything that Dumbledore had taken from him. The instances of inter-house comradery, the friendships he'd had...the family he'd found. Over the years, there had been breaks in the magic and they'd all managed, at least briefly, to do exactly what Dumbledore didn't want: unite. Anytime Dumbledore noticed the changes, he'd increased the Mind Magic to make them all forget, to create false hatred among them, to create false scenarios revolving around the threat of Voldemort. Doing so, Dumbledore had taken away the family he'd created for himself.

Snape—Severus—had come to be like his father. He'd trusted the man with his life, relied on him, loved him. Severus had managed each year to break through the Mind Magic just enough to be there for him during everything he'd experienced. Dumbledore had taken that away, convincing him that Severus despised him and that he'd never have a family.

But it wasn't true. He'd had Severus as a father and he'd found a brother in Draco Malfoy in second year. The two had discovered their shared childhood trauma and eventually bonded, Draco also being there for him through everything. Severus had also discovered Draco's abuse, causing Draco to join Harry under the man's care. They had had four years with each other. It was only the previous year, fifth year, that no breaks had been managed. Things had been made worse than ever last year, Dumbledore draining more and more of Hogwarts' magic to create the horrible circumstances they'd all been forced to face, even with each other.

They'd been a family, but Dumbledore had taken that away.


He was startled by Hermione's gasp behind him.

Right. They were all coming to find him and he probably looked a fright.

"What in Merlin's name has happened to you?"

He spun around at Severus' voice.


His eyes widened and teared up as all his recovered memories and emotions filled him. He gazed at Severus as though he'd never seen the man before and, he supposed, it was true in some way. He let his emotions take over and rushed over to Severus, ignoring the others that were also there and watching. He wrapped his arms around the man and pressed his face to the man's shoulder. He felt Severus stiffen.

"I'm sorry. I know you don't remember, but I do. I remember everything," Harry said into Severus' shoulder. "He took you from me."


Harry pulled back, gazing up at Severus through tears. "Please, can you call me 'Harry'? Please, just once, so I can hear it for real?"

Severus gave him an odd look. "Harry."

Harry smiled and sobbed, hugging Severus again. How he wished the man remembered. He was going to release Severus when, shockingly, the man's hands landed lightly on his injured back, keeping Harry against him. It hurt, but he didn't care.

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