Chapter 38: What We Were Meant to Be

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Warning: references to several character deaths, major and minor


Harry watched with an aching heart as Tom and Kingsley gently laid Moody with the dead, and as the Weasleys sobbed over Charlie and Percy. He shifted minutely in his position against Severus, his back pressed to his father's side and chest to avoid any touch to his fractal wound. He had his legs bent at his chest, hands resting on his abdomen. His head was resting on Severus' shoulder and the man's arm was draped over his shoulder, across his chest. His minor shift immediately brought a kiss down on the top of his head.

He turned his head to see who was entering the Great Hall, ready to add another name to his mental list of dead, and looked at Draco. His brother was tucked against Severus' other side.

Due to Draco's broken ribs, he was propped more on his side, head on Severus' chest and folded legs resting against Severus' outstretched ones. Severus' arm was around Draco's shoulders, curved up so he could thread his fingers through the blonde hair. A kiss was dropped on Draco's head as well before Severus let his head fall back against the stone wall, clearly exhausted.

Once the battle had ended, they had moved back into the castle. Harry, Draco, and Severus were prepared to start helping with the dead and the injured, but Tom had refused. They'd followed the crowd into the destroyed Great Hall and found a spot on the floor near the doors at Tom's demand. There they remained as people came and went for the next three hours, the numbers of dead and injured growing larger and larger. It was nearly morning, though Harry only knew that from the slight lightening of the darkness outside as the clock had stopped during the battle.

Like many, Harry and Draco were in desperate need of medical attention, but Pomfrey had yet to be found and no one else had the skill for treating such serious injuries. Kingsley had already been talking about bringing in Healers from St. Mungo's and dealing with the fallout of the truth being known. It had to happen eventually.

Harry's eyes flicked up again as more people entered the Hall only for his heart to clench and his stomach to twist as Tonks brought Seamus' body over to the dead, laying him next to Lee. Harry squeezed his eyes shut as they filled with tears and brought his hands up to grasp at Severus' arm across his chest. His father squeezed him gently and pressed his lips to Harry's hair again, shushing him quietly and sympathetically.

"Look," Draco said and Harry opened his eyes. "The ghosts, they're still here."

Harry looked out at the Hall, finding Draco was right. The ghosts that had fought alongside them were finding their loved ones. He had a broken smile as he spotted Colin with Dennis, Cedric with Mr. Diggory, and Daphne with Astoria. Two were with the Weasleys that he didn't recognize. Others—some he recognized, some he didn't—wandered the Hall, speaking with anyone willing to speak, seeming to help keep people calm.

"How is this even possible?" Harry muttered, looking at Quirrell who was talking to a group of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors, even seeming to be making them laugh.

"They were all my children and they were taken," Hogwarts said as she came up to them. "I am connected to all of my children and even those connected to them, and, in our time of need, I was able to call on them to help."

"Remarkable," Severus said quietly above Harry.

"Harry, Severus," Hogwarts said and they looked at her. "There are some who would very much like to speak with you."

Harry winced at the jolt that hit his heart, knowing it was Sirius she was talking about. He remembered the moment he'd seen his godfather on the battlefield.

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