Chapter 5: Memories of Visions Unseen

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November was turning out to be the longest month of Harry's life. Due to the aftermath of the Quidditch match, he had been forced to miss two of his detentions with Snape, causing the professor to decide the missed days would just be added on. He was still waiting for details on his detention for his role in the disastrous Quidditch match. He hadn't heard from Dumbledore about getting to view another memory. Defense had become a complete disaster for everyone involved since the Quidditch match. He still had teammates in the Hospital Wing. He had nothing but confusion about his reactions to interacting with Snape, Malfoy, and Dumbledore. And, finally, he was still having nightmares along with the dream with the woman he could never remember.

He was sat with Ron and Hermione at Gryffindor table. The only sounds in the Great Hall were that of cutlery on dishes and the occasional rustle of robes. No one was speaking or even whispering. Even he, Ron, and Hermione hadn't spoken a word.

Like him, Ron had come out of the match and fight with milder injuries. He'd had a concussion, a fractured cheekbone, a dislocated shoulder, and a broken hand. It was all healed instantly with just a night of observation and tight bandages to keep all of his healed hand bones in place. His hand was still bandaged, but they would be removed the next day.

Harry glanced up when he heard flapping and watched several owls circle the Great Hall. They flew over a few students, including himself, and dropped letters. Seeing who got letters, he realized these were likely the detention details from Dumbledore for the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams. He turned back to his own, noticing he had two.

He opened one, absently watching Ron open his detention details. He moved his attention back to his own mail and found this one to be another meeting invitation.


Join me in my office after dinner tonight. I have more to show you.

Professor Dumbledore

He felt excitement at getting to see more memories of Voldemort. He was intrigued by the tidbits of information Dumbledore was finally allowing him to receive. He folded the invitation and moved to his other letter, tearing it open.

Mr. Potter,

Tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock, you will serve your detention with Professor Snape for your participation in Wednesday's altercation. You and Mr. Draco Malfoy will serve your detentions together and will assist Professor Snape with inventory, cleaning, and anything else he requests for as long as he requires. If I hear of any issues, more severe consequences will occur.

Headmaster Dumbledore

Harry dropped the letter, outraged. He had to serve more detention with Snape, and he had to do it with Malfoy? What was Dumbledore thinking?

"What's Dumbledore got you doing, mate?" Ron asked. Looking at the redhead, Ron obviously wasn't thrilled with his detention either.

"Malfoy and I are doing it together with Snape," Harry grumbled. "You?"

"I'm with Goyle and we have to report to McGonagall," Ron said despondently. "Why would he have us do joint detentions with the Slytherins?" He cast a glare at the Slytherin table.

"To teach you how to get along and work together, Ronald," Hermione said, sounding irritated. "You all acted like children."

Ron turned his glare on her. "Didn't see you out there trying to stop the bastards from breaking all the rules and beating the hell out of us."

"You retaliated in the same way rather than being mature and taking the high ground," Hermione said.

"Were you watching the same match we were playing?" Ron said, dumbfounded. "There was no high ground to take, in case you hadn't noticed, princess."

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