Chapter 20: So Close, Yet So Far

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Harry groaned as he landed hard on the floor, his wand flying through the air and his energy spent. He pushed himself up onto his elbows, and rolled his eyes at the laughing and cheering audience and Severus' smirk as he twirled Harry's wand in his fingers. He wasn't annoyed though; it had gone exactly as expected. Well, aside from the audience. He'd mentioned the duel to Ron and Hermione and then, when he'd arrived in the Chamber, their entire resistance group was there waiting for the show.

He looked up as Severus walked up to him and held out a hand. Harry took it, ignoring the memories, and let the man pull him to his feet. With his own grin, he took his wand back when Severus held it up to him.

"Certainly a marked increase in power, Mr. Potter, but I believe some more practice is in order," Severus said.

Harry just shook his head, smiling. He'd known he had no chance, but it had been wonderful to have the interaction with the man, more reminiscent of his memories. He could almost pretend Severus remembered.

"Shall I take a look at this potion and spell you have discovered?" Severus asked.

"Yeah, come on," Harry said. "Everyone else, go find something to do. You had your laughs."

He waved the others off, drawing another round of laughter that just made him roll his eyes again, amused. They all dispersed, Harry weaving through them with Severus to get to the Founders' Library. He sat on the sofa and dug through the mess of books and parchments on the table, dragging an open book out from underneath. He was surprised but inwardly pleased when Severus sat beside him and he handed the book to the professor.

They were quiet as Severus scanned the potion, spell, and process for Dream Chasing. He sat back, waiting, hoping they had found a viable solution.

"It is a safer, more efficient method, but, yes, very complicated," Severus said eventually and Harry looked at him.

"Can you do it?" Harry asked.

"It is absolutely within my abilities," Severus said and Harry chuckled silently at the man's confidence and, quite frankly, well-deserved ego.

"Can I do it?" Harry asked more seriously. He needed to be able to help his father and break any hold Dumbledore had on him.

"It is...possible," Severus said. "Given your power level and...Gryffindor nature." He gave Harry a pointed look with twitching lips.

Harry wasn't sure what made him do it or say what he said. He wasn't thinking. It just felt so similar to how it was supposed to be.

He bumped his shoulder into Severus', grinning. "Oh, shut up, Dad, you love that I'm a Gryffindor, and I'm no more stubborn than you."

His smile fell from his face and his eyes widened almost as soon as the words left his mouth. He cringed at the odd look Severus was giving him. He looked away, his eyes stinging, and jumped to his feet, prepared to dash away.

"I'm sorry, sir, I wasn't thinking," Harry said quickly, avoiding Severus' gaze. "I didn't mean...I'll go."

He turned to walk around the table to leave, but a hand gently grasped his wrist. He spun around, meeting Severus' odd gaze again with his own slightly damp eyes. How his heart ached for the love and affection that only he and Draco could see.

"Sit, Potter," Severus said softly.

Harry did so slowly, his eyes never leaving the professor. He sat stiffly on the edge of the sofa.

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Harry said again.

"Do not apologize," Severus said. "I imagine it is difficult for you to remember how things should be when none of the rest of us do."

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