Chapter 39: One Year Later

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Note: Here we are...the end. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did. I had so much fun writing a Good!Tom Riddle and Evil!Dumbledore, and I hope I did it well. This was so unique a concept for me to write and had been an idea for so long before now, the idea coming from the very simple one of: each Founder has a sword. That's where it all began. Thank you for following me on this story and investing your time in it.


Graduation Day for Hogwarts' Class of 1998

It isn't too hard to assume that, a year ago, this day likely seemed impossible for our graduates. A year ago, they and everyone inside Hogwarts fought a battle the rest of us were oblivious to, ultimately saving, not only our beloved school, but our world as well. Through their fight, the truth finally came out.

It has been quite the year since the wizarding world learned the truth about Albus Dumbledore. The war ravaging our world came to an end and we learned it was not Lord Voldemort that had threatened, harmed, and destroyed us for so long, but Albus Dumbledore. Disbelief had our world in its grasp, at least until we began to thrive. The threats that once faced us disappeared and we began to function once more.

In the Ministry, we gained a competent and compassionate Minister in Kingsley Shacklebolt whose reforms to various legislations and institutional relationships has been a whirlwind of positive change to wizarding Britain. It appears, under Minister Shacklebolt, the problems that had plagued our world for so long may finally come to an end.

Yet, the greatest changes have been in Hogwarts itself. The magical education of our children has never been so great, meeting such astonishing standards. As we've learned, with the return of the magic that powers Hogwarts, magic never-before-seen in our children has been discovered. Unique specialties and types of magic have been identified in dozens of students, leading to mentorships, apprenticeships, and the implementation of amazing courses with masters at Hogwarts. The generations of witches and wizards leaving Hogwarts are being considered the most powerful our world has ever seen and will change our world in remarkable ways.

However, it is important to acknowledge that this has all been possible due to one person. Hailed as the greatest headmaster Hogwarts has ever had since the Founders themselves, Tom Riddle has been the one to lead Hogwarts out from the darkness Dumbledore had trapped it in. As the longest victim of Dumbledore's machinations and portrayed to the world as an evil dark lord, it would not have been unexpected if he had chosen to leave us behind. Instead, he took Hogwarts under his guidance and, if the word of staff and students is to be believed, has become beloved to the Hogwarts community.

And now, today, the first class under Headmaster Riddle is to graduate and, if I might say, I have never seen someone so proud. With today's graduation ceremony, we will also learn what paths our graduates have chosen. I will be in attendance—invited, of course—to hear first-hand how these young witches and wizards will change the world.

So, thank you, students and staff of Hogwarts, for all you did for us one year ago and, to our graduates...congratulations!

Reported by Milly Stine

"Bloody hell, you're not ready?"

Harry looked up from the Prophet and found Ron coming down from the dorms, tugging at his graduation robe and the tie around his neck. He held his graduation cap and ran his free hand through his hair, messing it up.

"I just have to put on my robe," Harry said, gesturing to said robe draped over the back of the sofa as he tossed the Prophet on the table.

"Well, put it on," Ron said impatiently. "We have to go. Nearly everyone is already in Memorial Hall and I am not dying at the hands of Snape for you if we're late to the ceremony."

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