Chapter 28: Changing the Game

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Note: Very little is known about Kingsley Shacklebolt's life so I made up a lot of what's stated here.


"See what I see, Harry," Dumbledore said with that unsettling, wicked smirk. "See the world they believe. See how alone you are and will always be."

Harry watched as the headmaster's office came into view. Dumbledore sat behind his desk, a grave look on his face. Professors and Order members filled the room, clearly waiting for news.

"Harry Potter was captured by Death Eaters last night," Dumbledore announced and gasps rang through the room.

"How did this happen?" McGonagall asked, tears in her stern eyes.

"He accompanied me on a task vital to the destruction of Voldemort," Dumbledore said. "We were, unfortunately, ambushed and separated. I was unable to get to Harry before they took him away."

"So, what are we to do?" Kingsley asked.

"Severus, we are in need of your inside knowledge," Dumbledore said to Severus. "You must find Harry, rescue him if possible, or provide the information needed to allow us to send a rescue mission."

"As you wish," Severus said, inclining his head.

The scene changed, then, and Harry found he was looking at himself. His copy was chained to a stone floor in the center of a circle of Death Eaters. He was trembling and bleeding from cuts covering his arms, but he still had his head up, glaring at Voldemort who was watching the events with a look of unbridled glee.

"Severus, give Harry a warm welcome," Voldemort drawled. "Show him the truth about your loyalties."

"Yes, my lord."

Harry watched Severus step out of line in the circle and approach his copy.

"Dad," he whispered.

His copy looked up at Severus venomously.

"True loyalties?" his copy sneered. "Like I ever believed you were loyal to Dumbledore."

Severus said nothing and his eyes were hard, void of any emotion Harry usually saw in his father. Severus raised his wand and brought it down in a sharp, straight motion. His copy hissed, but quickly cried out as more and more lashes appeared on his back, blood steadily flowing out of each.

"Dad, stop!" Harry cried.

On the twentieth lash, his copy screamed and collapsed. Severus knelt down and roughly grabbed his chin. His copy stared at Severus with teary, hate-filled eyes.

"I'm sorry," Severus whispered to his copy whose eyes reflected confusion.

"Dad, it's okay!" Harry yelled. "You didn't hurt me! Dad!"

The scene faded and Harry was left facing Dumbledore. He glowered at the headmaster.

"They belong to me," Dumbledore said.

"Not forever," Harry snapped. "I'm close to ending the game and I will end it."

"Perhaps, but will it be your ending or mine?" Dumbledore said. "I have the army. What do you have?"



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