Chapter 18: A Trial of Bravery

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Harry chewed his lip as he stared at the huge painting of a knight, trying to see anything strange. He was convinced this was where the Sword of Gryffindor was hidden, but he didn't know how to get to it.

"Are you sure this is it?" Ron asked behind him.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, it has to be."

"Maybe it won't work because the portrait isn't moving anymore," Hermione said.

"No, there's a way," Harry said quietly. He stepped up to the painting and, instinctively, he raised his hands. He frowned as he felt the air tingle on his palms and his magic swirled inside. He felt a pressure, the same build of magic he'd had before, but he grabbed hold of it this time. He pushed it up and out to his hands, and then to the painting, picturing his magic coating the portrait.

"Harry," Hermione gasped and he opened his eyes. The painting of the knight shimmered and seemed to melt, leaving behind a blank canvas.

"How did you do that?" Ron asked.

Harry dropped his hands, breathing slightly heavy. It had taken a lot of power to remove the painting. He was about to tell Ron he didn't know how he did it when the empty frame was filled as Godric Gryffindor and his lion from the core entered.

"You have a hidden power in you, young hero," Gryffindor said, gazing down at Harry. "That was very powerful Concealment Magic you removed."

Harry glanced over his shoulder at his friends who both shrugged. He wasn't sure what the power was, but he had a feeling it was something else Dumbledore had hidden inside of him. He turned back to Gryffindor.

"Are you ready?" Gryffindor asked.

Harry was slightly surprised the man knew what he was after. "Yes," he said firmly with a confidence he wasn't sure he felt.

Gryffindor bowed his head and the portrait swung open. It revealed a doorway with an arch-like top and it was pitch black, preventing Harry from seeing anything.

"Harry, are you sure about this?" Hermione asked, sounding concerned.

Their attention was pulled to their bracelets where a short message had appeared.

DM in HW. SOS.

Harry felt panic twist his stomach as he wondered what had happened to the Slytherin. He looked at Ron and Hermione, torn. He needed to make sure Malfoy was okay, but he also needed to get Gryffindor's sword.

They seemed to understand his dilemma.

"Get the sword," Ron said. "We'll go make sure Malfoy's okay."

"Are you sure?" Harry asked, knowing Ron still wasn't thrilled about the Slytherin.

Ron nodded. "Go. You're the only one that can do this."

Harry sighed. Ron was right.

"Be careful," Hermione said, her face full of worry.

"I will," Harry said. "Go."

With a final look of concern passed between the three of them, Ron and Hermione ran from the Tower and Harry turned back to the secret passage. He swallowed thickly and pulled his wand, gripping it tightly. He knew what the prophecy had said about Gryffindor's test, but he still didn't know what to expect. He was sure it was going to be harder than it sounded.

"Lumos," he whispered and took a deep breath before stepping up into the passageway. The painting swung shut behind him, leaving him in the silent passage with just his wand light.

He stood where he was for a couple minutes, his breathing seeming to echo around him. There was nothing indicating where the passage would lead which did not help him calm his pounding heart.

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