Chapter 27: Left for Dead

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Dad's going to kill me, Harry thought as he grasped Dumbledore's arm and let himself be Apparated away from Hogwarts.

He didn't see his father in the hours spent in the Chamber, rehashing every detail with Ron and Hermione about the last seven decades. He didn't even have time to write Riddle himself, having gotten so lost in their history recollection that he ended up nearly late meeting Dumbledore. As such, Ron and Hermione were the only ones that knew he was leaving with the headmaster to get a horcrux. He'd left them to continue brainstorming and tell Riddle anything they came up with. It was also with heavy guilt that he left them to tell Severus where he was when his father inevitably searched for him.

When the Apparation ended and he opened his eyes, he couldn't help but repeat his sentiment that Severus was going to kill him.

He gazed out at the rough, dark sea behind them from their precarious position at the cave's entrance. The air was cold, damp, and salty as it hit his face and soaked into his clothes. Hard waves crashed up the side of the cliff, threatening to spill over the edge and drench his shoes. He swallowed thickly, nervous about being in such a location with the man planning his death after a lifetime of control. He turned back around to face the cave and glanced at Dumbledore beside him.

"Where are we, Professor?" Harry asked.

"This is the cave in which Tom tortured his fellow orphans," Dumbledore said and Harry's eyes widened.

Of course. The horcruxes have been in places connected to Riddle's life, Harry thought, hoping they'd be able to figure out the final hiding place and get Hufflepuff's goblet if they kept that in mind.

"Stay close, my boy," Dumbledore said, pulling his wand and illuminating it.

Harry did the same, glad to have his wand drawn. He took a subtle deep breath and followed as Dumbledore began to walk further into the cave. They were silent as they walked, Harry trying to keep his breathing even and praying his pounding heart wasn't audible. He had no idea what to expect and it terrified him.

They continued deeper into the cave, surrounded by nothing but dark, damp stone. The deeper they went, the further his stomach sank with anxiety. After several long minutes-at least fifteen if Harry had to guess-they came to what seemed to be a dead end. Harry raised his wand a little and turned slowly, looking around for a path. He turned back to Dumbledore just as the headmaster dragged a knife across his palm. Harry frowned, confused.

"Blood Magic conceals the path forward," Dumbledore said, putting his cut palm to the stone wall.

Harry's eyebrows furrowed, finding the man's response didn't really explain. Was he supposed to believe Voldemort had used Blood Magic and Dumbledore's blood somehow broke said magic? Couldn't Blood Magic only be broken by the blood used to create the magic in the first place? The thoughts paused as he watched the stone under the headmaster's hand shimmer and disappear, leaving behind an arched opening. He leaned to the side to try and see through the doorway, but there was only more darkness.

Dumbledore gave him what once would have been a comforting and encouraging smile, but, now, Harry could see past it. Dumbledore was planning something and it was going to happen in the next chamber. He hesitated following the headmaster through the doorway, even looking over his shoulder at the way they came, contemplating leaving.

He sighed. He couldn't leave. If he left, it meant he was giving up.

He steeled himself and ducked through the archway. He was in complete darkness aside from his little wand light, but he could tell the chamber was huge and open. It was also cool and he thought he could hear water lightly lapping at rock. Dumbledore was a few meters in front of him, wand held high over his head. Harry walked slowly, the ground jagged beneath his feet as he came up beside the headmaster. By their combined wand light, Harry could see that they stood at the edge of dark water. Dumbledore waved his wand in a huge arch and the chamber lit up, large blue orbs floating high above them. Harry's eyes grew wide.

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