Chapter 35: The Final Round

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Harry had to look away from Gryffindor's ghost directly in front of him when he realized his forearm near his elbow was still burning. Along with the others, he pushed back his sleeve to find the pattern of coloured bands had expanded and completed itself finally after all these months. They all now matched perfectly, thin bands depicting the houses and Hogwarts and their bonds: green, blue, silver, gold, black, gold, silver, yellow, and red, ending just below their elbows.

"Would someone answer me already?"

Harry was pulled from his shock by Kingsley's voice echoing down to them in the core.

"Would you all get up here, you bastards? We've got a situation, in case you've forgotten!" Kingsley yelled again.

"Harry, you've got to see this!" Ron called down.

Harry gave the others a puzzled glance before leading the way up out of the core. As soon as he was back in the main chamber, Harry saw what Ron had wanted him to see. Another large handful of people had joined those that had already been there: the entire Weasley family, Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Penelope Clearwater, Fleur Delacour, Augusta Longbottom, and two other adults he'd never met.

"How is this possible?" Harry said, blinking at the newcomers in surprise.

"Oh, Harry!" Mrs. Weasley said, hurrying over to hug him tightly. "We are so glad you're alright through this whole mess."

"And so proud of all you've done," Mr. Weasley said. "A Hero of Hogwarts. Remarkable."

Harry frowned as Mrs. Weasley released him. "What are you talking about? Have you known?"

"We all have," Bill said.

"For how long?" Harry said, stunned.

"Not long," Fred said.

"At least, not for Mum, Dad, and Bill," George said.

"You've known?" Harry said and the twins nodded. "How?"

"It was an experiment for a new product actually," Fred said.

"We were experimenting with temporary memory potions," George said.

"We tested one—"

"—and we started remembering—"

"—things that had never happened," Fred finished.

"Turns out, we'd made a counter to Mind Magic—" George said.

"—and it broke all those years of Dumbledore's control," Fred said.

"We gave some to Percy and Charlie—"

"—but had to wait for Mum, Dad, Bill, and Fleur—"

"—given they've been active Order members—"

"—he would've noticed if they weren't under Mind Magic anymore," Fred said, getting nods from those family members in agreement.

"We also gave it to Lee, Angelina, Alicia, and Penelope," George added.

"How are you here?" Harry asked, still completely confused.

"Dumbledore's sealed the entrances," Draco said. "It's impossible to get in or out."

"Ron owled," Fred said.

"Told us you needed help—" George said.

"—so we grabbed the family—"

"—and the friends—"

"—and we used one of the secret passageways from Hogsmeade—"

"—he can't seal what he doesn't know about," George said with a smirk.

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