𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 -𝟏𝟕- 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥

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(Before everyone's pov, you'll get their face claims like this)

(Before everyone's pov, you'll get their face claims like this)

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Now it was just me and Aastha left. We were casually talking about random topics, planning the trip, and many more. Another 45mins passed and we made a shopping plan.

I went to the washroom before going for shopping.

When I came out of the washroom, aastha seemed unwell, she was holding her womb with her hands and pain was visible on her face. I rushed towards her and asked in concern, "aastha?? What's wrong?? Are you feeling unwell??".

Her pain grew and she couldn't answer my questions. The people and staff started looking in concern, some female staff came towards us and said, "she's in labour. Get an ambulance".

I panicked, but I should stay strong right now cause aastha needs me. The staff called us an ambulance. I sat beside Aastha in the ambulance.

I need to inform her husband, oh wait, I need to inform rohaan! I got his number from ivaan the day before.

I called him, he didn't picked up. I called him continuously 8 times but he didn't bother to pick up the call. What should I do now? Aahan! I should call him.

I dialed his number, but he also didn't pick up my call. I called him 5 freaking times, but he didn't pick up. What should I do now? I was so scared, cause I was all alone. And I've never been in such situation and I'm scared what if I make any mistake.

Tears were rolling down aastha's cheek, she was in so much pain. Seeing her like this, tears were forming behind my eyes. I tried calling nina, chittra and asmee but none of them were picking my call. Omg what friends I have!

There was no point in Calling Manas, parth, Chetan or anurag cause they already blocked us.

I can't even inform my family cause rohaan and aahan told me not to. Aastha held my hand tightly, I kept my hand on her, letting her know that I'm here with her.

"Aastha, don't worry, nothing will happen to you and your baby! Trust me" I said, almost in tears. She was too much in pain to answer.

My phone started vibrating, aahan was calling. I quickly picked up his call. He asked in concern, "Ridhima what's wrong? Why you called me 5 times?".

"Aahan bhai, please come to City hospital right now! Aastha is in labour" I said, in panick.

"What?? Where are you guys right now and who else is there?" He asked, in shock.

"We're in ambulance right now and it's just me and Aastha. Please come fast aahan bhai, I'm scared" I requested, with tears.

"Ridhima, don't worry okay? I'll be there in 10 mins! You just take care of aastha" He carefully said, and hang up the call.

My heart was beating so fast, my hands were shaking but this was nothing infront of the pain Aastha was suffering from. After talking to aahan, I finally had a little relief.

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