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Time skips

Everyone came back home. Jin and yoongi are making dinner. Hobi and Namjoon are doing some school related work in namjoon's room. Jungkook is sitting on the kitchen counter talking with jin and yoongi telling them how he spent his whole day with namjoon and hobi.

Jimin was standing in his room's balcony. He was lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice taehyung who was standing behind him. Taehyung suddenly back hugged jimin making him flinched badly. Tae laughed at his reaction and said "calm down dude it's me"

Jimin calmed down when he realised it was none other than his soulmate "you scared me"

Taehyung huffed and said "I was calling you for 5 minutes but were busy spacing out"

Jimin didn't say anything. Taehyung sensed that something was wrong with jimin. He back hugged him more comfortably putting his chin on jimin's shoulder and said "what happened? Is Everything  ok?"

Jimin sighed and said "everything is fine don't worry"

Tae didn't believe him. He knows something is wrong "you know you can't lie to me....tell me what happened....did something happen at work"

Jimin didn't say anything. He just looked down staring at his feet

"Jiminaah you know na you can share everything with me......I am always there for you" spoke tae in a soft comforting voice

Now jimin couldn't control himself. Hearing his soulmates comforting voice He broke down in tears. He covered his face with his hands and started sobbing hard.

Tae immediately turned him around and hugged him "bro you are making me worried please tell me what happened" he said while patting his back

Jimin told him whatever happened. How yoongi scolded him or I can say humiliated in front of everyone. How all people were staring at him.

Tae while comforting him said "calm down buddy everything will be fine"

Jimin sobbed and said "nothing will be fine........ No one in the office knows that yoongi hyung and I are brothers. When hyung said This wouldn't happen if you would have focused on your work instead of finding excuses to go to your boss's cabin everyone was giving me judgmental looks"

Tae patted his back and jimin continued "you know when I was in the washroom I heard a few employees talking about me.....you won't believe what they were saying"

"What were they saying" ask tae with curiosity

Jimin pulled out from the hug. He wiped his tears and said "they were saying I am yoongi hyung's slut and he took me in this company because I sleep with him daily..... they said a lot more thing about me which I can even say " his voice cracked at the end

Tae gasped and said angrily "who were they?.....tell me their names I'll tell yoongi hyung to kick them out"

Jimin held tae's shoulder and said "How many people will you lay off tae? Probably everyone thinks the same" he again broke down and said "they were judging my character tae....how can they think about me and yoongi hyung like this....I....I feel disgusted"

Tae again hugged him and said "It doesn't matter what they think......Let them think whatever they want, nothing changes because of what
They thinks"

Jimin nodded his head and cried his heart out in tae's embrace. After 15 minutes, jimin calmed down and said "tae promise me you won't say anything about this to anyone"

Tae looked at him confusedly and said "why?.....I will definitely tell it to yoongi hyung he needs to know it"

Jimin shook his head and said "all hyungs are already very mad at us I don't want to do anything to make them more mad"

Tae tried to make him understand and said "but-

Jimin cut him off and said "please.....I beg you"

Tae sighed and said "fine I won't say anything.... happy?"

Jimin nodded and said while chuckling "very happy"

After sometime-
It is currently 12 am right now

Jimin and taehyung are in jimin's room. Jimin was sitting on the floor with tae's head on his lap. Jimin was lovingly ruffling tae's hair. Both were staring at nothing in particular. There was complete silence. Both of them can't sleep at all despite being tired from work.

Tae broke the silence and said "jimin"

Jimin hummed indicating him to continue. Tae continued "should we go and apologise to jungkook now"

Jimin looked at him and said "he must be sleeping right now tae"

Tae got up and said "he must be awake...I am sure he must have slept the whole day"

Jimin hesitated and said "He won't forgive us" it's not like he don't want to apologise to jungkook it's just that he is too ashamed too face him

Tae made jimin stand up and said "we don't even deserve to be forgiven in the first place.....but we should at least try"

Jimin nodded his head and said "you're right"

They both peaked inside jungkook's room and tae was right. Jungkook was awake and was reading a book
They both hesitantly went inside the room.

Jungkook saw them and panicked.

They both saw him panicking and felt very bad and guilty. The plaster on jungkook's hand was making them feel more guilty especially jimin.

They both moved closer to him and jimin said "jungkookie......we are sorry baby"

Jungkook moved back and said "please don't hurt me....I am sorry" fear was clearly visible in his eyes

Jimin stopped moving closer to him and said in a broken voice "I won't hurt you baby..... please forgive me"

Tae took a step closer and said "we realised our mistakes baby...we behaved like a jerk to you....you don't deserve all this...we will do whatever you will say but please forgive us"

Jimin nodded his head and said in a very soft voice "I hurt you so much right.... please hit me as much as you want but don't be afraid of us...it hurts"

Tae moved a little more closer to jungkook and this time he didn't move back "and baby you are not a third wheel between us.....we didn't mean whatever we said that day...we were just stressed out" he said in the most comforting tone

Jimin agreed to tae and said "we were really very stressed out but that doesn't give us the right to say hurtful things to you....you have full rights to be mad at us...but just know that we are really very sorry and we regret doing all this to you"

"And jungkook we love you....we love you a lot.....we love you the most.....more than you can imagine" said tae while trying his best to make the younger feel loved

Jungkook was silently listening to their apology. He could see the sincerity in their eyes. When jimin and tae entered his room he got scared really bad seeing them. But after hearing their comforting words he relaxed a bit. He knows that they really regret it and want to make everything normal between them but he can't just forgive them right away forgetting what they did to him. He was thinking very hard about how to react

There was a complete silence. By seeing jungkook's expression jimin and tae could tell that he was thinking something very deeply. The silence was killing them so jimin thought to break the silence and spoke in a soft voice "say something baby"

Jungkook's chain of thoughts broke. He looked at jimin and tae and said in a cold voice "Leave me alone"

They both sighed. They knew he wouldn't forgive them this easily but they were glad that at least he is not flinching in their presence

To be continued

I said that I will not be able to update till 2nd april but I got time so I thought to update it

I just wrote whatever came in my mind. I don't know if it is good or not

And it is 11:59 pm when I am writing it i.e it is still 25 so happy holi everyone.

Stay tuned

Thankyou 💜

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