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Yoongi was so engrossed in studying Minho's features that he didn't even realize when Minho finished talking about the project. "No wait" he said in kinda desperate tone.

Minho didn't say anything. He just stood there in silence, his posture composed yet attentive, as he waited for Yoongi to break the silence. His expression was unreadable, a mask of calmness masking any inner turmoil he might have been feeling.

Yoongi stood up from his seat and went closer to Minho a nervous tension palpable in the air. Clearing his throat, he began tentatively, "Um... Minho, actually... that day-"

Before Yoongi could say anything further, Minho stopped him by showing his palm and said "I apologize for that day, sir," Minho interjected, his voice carrying a tone of professional formality tinged with sadness. "I should have stayed within my limits... It won't happen again." Despite Minho's composed demeanor, Yoongi couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort at the distance Minho's professional tone seemed to create between them.

Yoongi took a deep breath and swallowed his pride. "No, I... I'm sorry," he admitted, his voice tinged with humility. "You were just showing your concern, and I lashed out at you."

Minho's response came with a heavy weight of hurt and disappointment. "No, you were right sir" he said, his voice measured and professional, yet tinged with unmistakable sadness. "I should have just minded my own business." Despite his composed demeanor, the pain in Minho's eyes betrayed the depth of his emotional turmoil.

Yoongi's voice softened as he looked down, his regret palpable in the air. "Please don't say it like that," he implored, his words filled with genuine remorse. "I am genuinely very sorry... forgive me."

Apologizing wasn't something Yoongi did a lot. He was puzzled by why he felt so desperate to make things right with Minho. It was unusual for him to care so much about someone's forgiveness. But there he was, feeling confused yet determined to fix things with Minho. It was like a new side of himself had suddenly appeared, one that valued making peace over holding onto pride. Deep down, Yoongi knew that earning Minho's forgiveness meant a lot to him, even if he couldn't explain why.

Minho let out a sigh and replied, "Alright, sir... I'm your secretary, after all. How could I not follow your order? I forgive you."

Yoongi's heart sank as he felt the sting of Minho's sarcasm "Minho, don't be like that please," he said softly. "I'm really sorry. I was going through a lot at that time, and I took it out on you. I regret it"

"I knew you were going through a tough time," Minho began, his voice tinged with bitterness. "That's why I tried to reach out, asking what was wrong. But you..." He let out a bitter chuckle, the sound echoing with disappointment. "Forget it. It's my fault anyway. I should've realized I'm just a secretary to you, nothing more."

Yoongi shook his head and said "please don't talk like this to me....I am already regretting everything" he never sounded this desperate in his entire life.

Minho sighed again, feeling overwhelmed by the day's events. With a touch of rudeness, he questioned, "What's the point of my forgiveness anyway? It's not like you won't be able to live if I don't forgive you." It was an unexpected outburst fueled by frustration and hurt feelings.

Yoongi looked at Minho being hurt. Minho had always spoken to him with politeness and sweetness and now his rudeness was killing him "Don't say this Minho.....your forgiveness means a lot to me...I...I really won't be able to live in peace until you forgive me" he said the last sentence in an almost inaudible voice

Minho looked at him sharply at him and said "why?...you said I am nothing but just a secretary then why? You told me to mind my own business...I am doing it then also your have problem...why exactly do you want sir-" he was cut off when he felt yoongi's lips against him. His eyes widened in disbelief as he processed what was happening. For a moment, he felt frozen in place, but then he snapped back to reality and began to push Yoongi. Despite Minho's pushing, Yoongi deepened the kiss and cupped Minho's face. Tears started dripping from yoongi's eyes. Minho stopped pushing him when he realised that yoongi was crying. He gave up and kissed him back with the same passion. After all yoongi is his love for the past 2 years no matter how angry he is, he can't see his yoongi crying. Yoongi smiled through tears when he felt Minho kiss him back.

Minho closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around yoongi's neck to deepen the kiss. Feeling Minho's embrace, Yoongi let go of his cheeks and wrapped his arms around Minho's waist, drawing him even closer. In that moment, their lips met in a tender embrace, marking their first kiss, filled with a depth of love that neither had experienced before. Their lips moved together perfectly, like they were made for each. Their kiss was filled with love, devoid of any lust or urgency. There was no need for their tongues to be involved; their connection was deeper than physical desires. It was a kiss of comfort and reassurance, a silent affirmation of their affection for each other. In that moment, they found solace in each other's arms, their hearts beating as one in a cocoon of love.

Tears welled up in Minho's eyes as he felt overwhelmed with emotion, finally experiencing the long-awaited kiss with the love of his life. He could feel more tears dripping from yoongi's closed eyes.

After sometime they both parted due to lack of oxygen. Yoongi gently rested his forehead against Minho's, their eyes remaining closed in a shared moment of intimacy. Then, Yoongi kept his head on Minho's shoulder, wrapping his arms around him in a tight embrace. Minho responded with equal warmth, holding Yoongi close, cherishing the closeness they shared.

After a minute, Yoongi reluctantly pulled away from the hug, his tears staining his cheeks. With a shaky voice, he pleaded, "Please, just listen to what happened. Then you can decide if you want to forgive me or not." His words were filled with desperation and sorrow, reflecting the depth of his pain. Minho reached out, gently wiping away Yoongi's remaining tears, his heart aching at the sight of Yoongi's brokenness. Without a word, he nodded his head, silently offering his support and willingness to listen.

With a trembling voice, Yoongi continued, the weight of his words heavy on his chest. "You remember those three employees, Max, James, and Lucas, whom I fired because they were bullying Jimin, he began, his voice cracking with emotion. Minho nodded, his expression grave as he listened intently. "Well," Yoongi continued, his voice barely above a whisper, "they... they sexually harassed Tae." Minho's gasp echoed loudly in the room, his shock palpable as he processed the horrifying revelation. "What??" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief and anger.

With a heavy heart Yoongi nodded his head and told everything how they three harassed him brutally for those files and how they threatened not to tell this to anyone else they will do the same thing to jungkook. Yoongi then said "It is somewhere my fault" he confessed his voice choked with emotions "If I had taken different actions instead of just firing them, maybe Tae wouldn't have suffered like this."

Minho, tears streaming down his face as he listened to Tae's suffering, shook his head in disbelief. "No, it wasn't your fault," he insisted, his voice trembling with emotion. "Stop blaming yourself. It was their fault... How could they do something so cruel to Taehyung, sir? He must have suffered a lot." His words were filled with empathy and outrage, echoing the shared sorrow and indignation at the injustice Tae had endured.

Tears streamed down Yoongi's face as he covered his face with both hands, his body shaking with sobs. "It's my fault," he whispered, his voice trembling with anguish. He couldn't stop blaming himself for what had happened to Tae. Every tear felt like a weight on his chest, dragging him deeper into despair. Despite wanting to share his feelings with his brothers, he couldn't bring himself to do it. He couldn't bear to add more stress to their already heavy burden, knowing they were deeply worried about Tae's condition

You all didn't complete the target of the last chapter 🙃

To be continued

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned

Thankyou 💜

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