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Suddenly his eyes landed on the injured knuckles of jin yoongi and Namjoon. He asked "jin hyung how you namjoon hyung and yoongi hyung injured your hands"
Jin stuttered and said "ahh that..umm... actually."

"Say it clearly hyung...I can't understand anything" said tae.

Before jin could say anything namjoon said "we gave those fuckers what the deserved"

Tae's eyes widened in alarm as he exclaimed, "What?! Why would you do that, hyungs? What if... what if they try to do something worse? Wait, Jungkook... where is he? I haven't seen him yet... What if they hurt him?" Fear and concern dripped from every word as Tae's mind raced with the possibilities of what could have happened to Jungkook.  He was engulfed by an overwhelming sense of panic, his heart racing erratically within his chest as fear coiled tightly around his mind. Every nerve in his body seemed to scream in terror, his breaths shallow and erratic, as he grappled with the suffocating weight of dread. He felt a primal instinct surge within him, a fierce protective urge for his beloved brother, his thoughts consumed by the haunting possibility of harm befalling him at the hands of those 3 men.

"Calm down tae.... jungkook is in school... he had an exam today...he'll be here in a few hours" said jin while rubbing his back to comfort him

"What if they hurt him in school?....they threatened me that they will do it to him also...what if they go to his school and harm him there" said tae while panicking badly.

"They are not in the condition to even open their eyes...they will not dare to hurt anyone...they can't even think of it now" said yoongi while trying to assure him.  "But hyung...I am scared" said tae and his eyes got teary

Yoongi sat beside Tae, his voice gentle but firm as he said, "Don't be scared, Tae... don't you trust us?" "I do... I do a lot hyung," Tae replied immediately. Yoongi wrapped his arm around Tae's waist, pulling him into a side hug, and continued, "Then why are you worrying, hmm? They're in jail... they can't do anything to you, Jungkook, or anyone, okay? Now relax, it's not good for your health to stress." His words were a comforting embrace, seeking to assuage Tae's fears and offer solace

Tae nodded silently, leaning his head against Yoongi's shoulder. A sense of relief washed over him knowing that those who had caused him harm were now behind bars. Yet, despite this reassurance, a knot of worry still lingered in his chest, especially for Jungkook. He couldn't shake the nagging concern that gripped his heart, even in the midst of their apparent safety.

Jin was about to feed him his breakfast just then he got a call. He talked for a minute then ended the call. He looked at tae with apologetic eyes and said "I am sorry tae...I got an emergency case...I have to go but I'll be back in sometime... I'll try to finish it as soon as possible." "It's ok hyung...I can understand... you can go and don't worry about me...I'll be fine"

Jin ruffled his hair lovingly and left from there. Hobi took out the lunch box which they brought and started feeding tae.

After feeding him the breakfast, they all started having a peaceful talk with each other. They happily caught up with each other after not being able to talk properly for a few days because of what was going on. The five brothers were all talking and laughing together, their laughter echoed in the room. They were making each other feel better, especially the brother who was sick and was in much need of comfort. They were comforting him and trying to cheer him up.

Just then yoongi got a call. He excused himself and went out of the room to attend the call. He picked up the call and said "yes Minho.....I am busy right I won't be able to come for few days....what?....uh! Ok Fine I am coming" saying this he ended the call in frustration and went inside the room "I need to go to the office to sign some papers" irritation was clearly visible in his voice

⦕꧁ 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔꧂⦖Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora