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Tae took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, his voice trembling with emotion. "Yes, hyung... I'm ready for therapy," he affirmed, recognizing the importance of seeking professional help for his mental health. But then, with tears streaming down his face, he pleaded, "But... I want to go home... I can't bear to stay in this hospital any longer... Please, take me home now, right now... This place is suffocating me... If I stay here one more day, I feel like I'll suffocate to death, hyung.... Take me home" Tae cried like a baby saying this

Jin's eyes filled with tears as he listened to Tae's pain, while Jimin started sobbing silently . They knew being in the hospital was hard for Tae, especially because he's usually so outgoing. But they hadn't realized just how much he wanted to go home until now.

Jin gently rubbed Tae's back, trying to comfort him. "Please stop crying, baby... I'll take you home today, I promise. But please, stop crying," he pleaded softly, unable to bear seeing Tae in such distress. His heart ached at the sight of his little brother in tears.

"Really?... You'll really take me home?" Tae asked in a broken voice.

"Yes, baby," Jin affirmed, pulling Tae close and hiding his face in his chest. But as the weight of the moment settled in, Jin couldn't contain his emotions any longer. Tears streamed down his face as he sobbed, feeling overwhelmed by the turmoil of emotions. He didn't want to appear weak in front of Tae, who was already broken, but the floodgates had opened, and he couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

Jimin, who had been standing a little distance away, approached them and enveloped Jin and Tae in a tight embrace. Seeing their usually bubbly brother in such a broken state shattered Jin and Jimin's hearts into a million pieces. Together, they held onto each other, finding solace in their shared pain and determination to support Tae through his struggles.

After some time, Tae's tears began to lessen. They released each other from the hug, and Jin wiped Tae's tears away with his hands, gently kissing his forehead. "Just give me a minute, I'll finish all the paperwork, and then we can go home," Jin reassured Tae. Tae nodded in understanding and returned the gesture by wiping Jin's tears. "I'm sorry for making you cry, hyung," Tae said softly.

Jin shook his head, offering a comforting smile. "Don't worry about it, Tae. Sometimes, it's necessary to cry... It helps you feel better," he reassured him.

As Jin got up from the bed and assured them he'd be back shortly, Tae turned to Jimin, who was still quietly sobbing. Tae nestled into Jimin's embrace burying  his face against Jimin's chest. "Why are you still crying, Jimin?" Tae's voice was muffled against Jimin's shirt.

"I... it... it hurts seeing you like this, Tae... I want you to be like you were before... I wish I could take all your pain away," Jimin confessed, his voice filled with anguish and longing.

"I'm trying to forget everything and go back to how things were before, but... But the memories of that night still haunt me Jimin," Tae admitted, his voice trembling with the weight of his words.

"It's okay, Tae... Jin hyung will find the best therapist for you. You'll be fine, trust me," Jimin reassured, his voice filled with sincerity and hope.

Tae nodded his head and hugged jimin more tightly feeling safe and warmth in his arms.

Meanwhile, Jin diligently completed all the necessary paperwork for Tae's discharge and informed everyone to come directly to their home. Although Tae technically needed to stay in the hospital for another week, Jin couldn't bear to see him crying and pleading to go home. He made the decision to take Tae home, determined to provide him with the best possible care in the comfort of their own surroundings.

Jin jimin and tae reached home and finally tae took a breath of peace. He really missed his home.

"Tae, Jimin, both of you freshen up. I'll make something to eat," Jin insisted.

"You don't have to do anything, hyung. Did you forget that you need rest to get well soon?" Jimin protested, concerned for Jin's well-being. "And I and hobi hyung already prepared food in the morning" he continued. "Ohh thankyou jiminaah..now let's freshen up" said jimin and they three went to their room.

As soon as Tae reached his room, he flopped onto his bed with a sigh of relief. "Finally, home... I've never missed home this much in my entire life," he murmured. His gaze fell on the plushie that Yoongi had given him, and he reached out to it, pulling it into his arms and hugging it tightly. "I missed you also," he whispered, finding comfort in its familiar embrace.

Tae was laying on his bed hugging his plushie enjoying the feeling  of being back home after so many days. Just then, Jimin entered his room and remarked, "Tae, you still haven't freshened up?"

"I'm feeling too lazy to do it... Let me just stay in bed," Tae replied in a sleepy voice, not quite ready to leave the comfort of his cozy nest.

"Aish, get up, Tae... Eat something, then you can sleep," Jimin insisted, but Tae remained unmoved. Jimin shook his head in exasperation and firmly grasped Tae's hand, pulling him up from the bed. Leading Tae to the bathroom, he urged, "Go freshen up and come out fast."

Tae whined for a moment, but knowing Jimin wouldn't let him off the hook, he relented and entered the bathroom, resigning himself to do as Jimin said.

After around two hours, Namjoon, Hobi, Jungkook, and Yoongi returned home together. Jin was surprised to see Yoongi with them and asked, "How come you four are together?"

"We met on the way, so we came together," Yoongi explained casually. Then, noticing Tae, he exclaimed, "Oh, Tae, you got discharged?"

Tae, who was sitting on the couch, nodded his head silently and jungkook ran to him feeling excited that his tae hyung is back home and sat on his lap

"But you were supposed to stay for a week more... then how?" Hobi asked, clearly puzzled by the sudden turn of events.

Tae looked down, avoiding eye contact, and remained silent and just played with jungkook's hair. He obviously didn't want to admit that he had begged and cried like a baby to come home.

"Tae didn't like staying in the hospital, so I brought him home. No more questions," Jin interjected firmly, preempting any further inquiries. "Freshen up and come down for lunch."

"But hyung-" Namjoon began to protest, but Jin silenced him with a look, indicating that he would explain everything later.

Namjoon, Hobi, and yoongi went to their respective room. Jin turned to Jungkook, who was sitting comfortably on Tae's lap, and said with sarcasm dripping from his mouth, "Jungkook, baby, do you need an invitation card to go to your room and change your uniform?"

Jungkook hugged Tae more tightly and replied, "Hyung... I'll change my uniform later. Let me be with Tae hyungie for some more time."

"Aish, Jungkook, you're stinky... go change your clothes and stop bothering your Tae hyung," Jin scolded.

Jungkook looked at Tae with innocent eyes and asked, "Am I bothering you, hyung?"

Tae smiled at Jungkook's cuteness and kissed his cheek affectionately. "No, I can never get bothered by you, baby," he reassured.

Jungkook stuck his tongue out at Jin and cheekily retorted, "See, Tae hyungie doesn't have any problem... Now let me be with him." Jin simply shook his head in amusement and replied, "Do whatever you want." He smiled fondly at the sight of Tae and Jungkook cuddled up together before quietly leaving.


To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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