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"He's running a mild fever... I wish I could offer more insight right now... But I'll need to run some blood tests to get a clearer picture. Once we have the results, we'll know exactly what's going on with him." Said the doctor and left from there.

Jungkook went to jin and said "hyung...wake up please...you are scaring us". "He'll be fine jungkook" said yoongi.

Just then hobi and Namjoon entered the room with food while hobi saying "we are back....I made lots of food for you al-" he was cut off when he looked at jin laying on the couch. He continued "jin hyung...what happened?...is he sleeping "

"He is not sleeping...he is unconscious" said tae.

"What?" Said hobi and Namjoon together. They both kept the lunch boxes on the side table and went near jin. Namjoon caressed jin's head and said "what happened to him? Why did he faint?"

"We also don't know it yet... doctor said he has to check his blood report first" said yoongi

Namjoon who was still caressing jin's head said "he has a fever". "Fever?" Said hobi worriedly and immediately went inside the attached washroom.

In the washroom he took out his handkerchief from his pocket and filled water in the mug. He dipped his handkerchief in the mug and came out of the washroom. He put the mug on the table near the couch and squeezed the excess water from the handkerchief and put it on jin's forehead.

Observing Hobi's gesture, Jungkook followed suit, extracting his own handkerchief from his pocket and immersing it in the mug. After wringing out the excess water, he gently laid the damp fabric on Jin's hand.
It pained him deeply to see his hyung in such a state

After a while the doctor returned with jin's reports and said "he has iron deficiency his blood levels are too low...also it looks like he is overworked.. he needs plenty of rest and nutritious foods for a few days then he will be fine"

Jungkook's eyes welled with tears as he asked, "When will my Hyung wake up?" His voice quivered with desperation, longing for his Hyung to open his eyes as soon as possible

"Hey, don't worry, kiddo... I'll give your hyung an injection, and he'll be waking up in no time, not more than 15 minutes!" Said the doctor. His words were filled with reassurance, delivered with a warm and cheerful tone, aiming to ease the worry etched on jungkook's face.

The doctor injected jin and wrote some medicines on the paper while saying "give these medicines to his twice a day for a week".
Hobi took the paper and said "anything else?" The doctor again told them to give him plenty of rest and left from there.

Jungkook was not at all at peace. Jungkook felt really uneasy. He kept wetting the handkerchief, squeezing it, and placing it on Jin. His face showed how worried he was

Sensing Jungkook's distress, Namjoon gently guided him to sit beside him, enveloping him in a comforting embrace. 'He'll be alright, Jungkook-ah," Namjoon murmured softly, his words laced with reassurance. "Why are you so anxious?" he asked, tender concern evident in his voice.

"He was looking very tired and sick since few days... I asked if he was fine or not but he always said that he is fine...I told him to stop overworking but he never listens to me" said jungkook with a pout. Anger and concern for his jin hyung was clearly evident in his voice.

"Alright alright calm down....I am getting scared seeing your anger" said namjoon while laughing. Jungkook looked really cute while saying all that in anger and Namjoon couldn't help but laugh at his youngest brother.

"Why are you laughing, hyung... I'm serious," Jungkook said, his voice edged with frustration as he huffed in annoyance. Namjoon struggled to control his laughter, managing to choke out, "I'm not laughing"

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