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~ Prologue ~


Novaria was born in London, England in December 24th 1565. She was the second illegitimate child of a scullery maid and the master of the house. Growing up, Novaria and her older sister, Victoria, were raised as servants in the master's household.

It had been five long years since the disappearance of their loving parents, and yet Novaria and her sister still carried the heavy burden of not knowing what had happened to them. The news had spread like wildfire, claiming that the devoted couple had mysteriously vanished without a trace. The whole town was abuzz with speculation and theories, but none had led to any concrete answers.

Novaria could vividly remember the night before their disappearance, when she had been tucked into bed by her mother. Little did she know that it would be the last time she would kiss her goodnight and utter the words "I love you."

As the months went by, Novaria found herself constantly yearning for her parents' return. Every day, she would stare out of her bedroom window, hoping to catch a glimpse of them walking through the door. But alas, they never came.

As the years passed, the sisters were given responsibilities in the household. Victoria, being the older one, was often tasked with menial jobs in the kitchen while Novaria worked as a lady's maid. And although they were grateful for the jobs, they were also constantly mistreated by the master, lucas. He was a cruel twenty year old man who took pleasure in beating and belittling his servants. But what was worse, he often made inappropriate advances towards Novaria and Victoria, despite their protests.

As a child, Novaria's features were unremarkable. Her face was childish, and her features were still in the process of maturing. She was often teased and made fun of by the other maids for her awkward appearance, much to her dismay, Victoria was always there to defend her. She never let their words get to her.

However, once she hit the age of fourteen, something in Novaria changed. Her childish features were replaced by elegant ones, and she blossomed into a breathtakingly beautiful young lady. The master himself couldn't help but take notice which made her uncomfortable.

Novaria's once plain face had become recognizable throughout the place, and she even gained many admirers among the staff. But what made her feel uncomfortable was the master's newfound interest in her. He would often call for her whenever he wanted something, and even made excuses to have her around him more often.

Nov. 1579

"Novaria, did anyone told you how ravishing you look today?" The master's voice, lucas, rang up on her ear and she turned around, seeing him already standing there.

Novaria shifted a bit, feeling uncomfortable already "T- thank you, sir lucas."

Lucas chuckled lowly with a smirk "It's a shame you have to hide that beauty under a maid's uniform. You should be wearing fine gowns and jewels fit for a lady."

"I am content with my duties, sir." She forces a smile awkwardly.

"But surely, you must feel a bit...restricted. I can offer you so much more."

"I appreciate your offer, sir. But I am happy where I am."

Lucas rolled his eyes in disgruntled  "Suit yourself. But don't forget, I am your master, and you must obey me."

With that, he turned on his heels and walked away, leaving Novaria feeling relieved but also a bit unnerved. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Her older sister, Victoria, looked at her with concern.

"Are you alright?" Her older sister Victoria looked at her with concern. Novaria nods reassuringly "Yes, I'm fine."

Victoria shook her head and leans in "I hate how he looks at you." She whispered and sounding annoyed.

Later that day, Novaria and her sister, along with the other maids, cleaned the entire mansion and prepared for the evening event that their master had planned. As the guests started to arrive, Novaria stood in line with her sister and the other maids, welcoming them with a smile.

Once everyone was inside, Novaria took her place in the corner, ready to assist the guests if needed. She watched as her master socialized and charmed the guests, feeling grateful for the distraction.

As she went about serving the guests, she couldn't help but notice the strikingly handsome boy around her age sitting at one of the tables. He had a jawline sharp enough to cut through steel and piercing green eyes that seemed to stare right through her.

But she had a job to do and couldn't let her thoughts wander. As the night went on, she kept catching glimpses of him and found it hard to tear her gaze away. She noticed that he rarely spoke to anyone and seemed to be lost in deep thought most of the time.

As the night drew to an end, Novaria's shift was over and she was getting ready to leave when the same boy approached her. "I couldn't help but notice how hard you've been working tonight." he said, his voice smooth and mesmerizing. "I'm Ivan."

He offered his hand for her to take, and she took it and shook his hand.

She blushed at the unexpected compliment and smiled, "Thank you, it's just part of the job." She paused "I'm Novaria."

He smiled back, revealing a dazzling set of teeth. "Well, you've certainly made a lasting impression on me, Novaria." Hearing him say her name sent a thrilling sensation through her body.

It took them about seven minutes to talk, and in the mid conversation he kept complimenting her, though it wasn't all about her looks. "Thank you." Novaria replied with a timid smile.

Ivan's gaze never wavered from hers as he continued "If it's alright with you, I would love to take you out sometime and get to know you better-"

His words were abruptly cut off by her Master, who called her over to help with the final clean-up. Novaria felt a pang of frustration, but gracefully replied, "I'm sorry, er.. Ivan. I have to finish my duties first. But we can meet another time." She gave him an apologetic look.

Ivan nodded, though his smile was tinged with sadness. "Of course, I understand. Your Master is my cousin, after all. I'll visit here often." He reached out to place a hand on her shoulder. "Until then, Novaria." With a final smile, he turned and walked away, giving her a small wave over his shoulder.

Watching him go, Novaria couldn't help but feel disappointed. Despite only exchanging a few words, she couldn't deny the growing fondness she felt for him. She let out a sigh before returning to her tasks.


"I don't know, Vic. It's as though my own emotions have taken control of me.." Novaria confessed with a sigh, her mind still clouded with thoughts of Ivan.

"Come on, Nov, it's only been three days since you met him. Don't let your feelings deceive you." Victoria's voice was laced with bluntness as she tried to reason with her younger sister.

It had been a few days since Novaria's chance encounter with Ivan, and she couldn't shake off the memory of their brief but impactful interaction. Even as she went about her daily duties alongside her elder sister in their esteemed master's, her thoughts kept drifting back to that boy and she also had no idea why.

"I know, but you're only fourteen. How old could this Ivan possibly be?" Victoria scoffed "He's sixteen." Novaria answered before Victoria spoke again "And to think he's supposedly our master's cousin...who knows what kind of intentions he has."

Novaria didn't respond, silently continuing to clean the windows as her sister spoke. But a small smile crept onto her face at the thought of Ivan's charming smile and gentle demeanor.

"So, tell me, what do you plan to do if Ivan decides to drop by and see you?" Victoria looked down at her sister, her expression softening.

"He's not like other men, Vic. I can sense it. He's different." Novaria replied with a shy smile, gazing up at her sister.

"He's a boy, not a man."

"Don't be naive, Nov. Plus, men are all the same. Do not trust them. Trust me." Victoria cautioned, before being called away by another servant.

Left alone with her thoughts once again, Novaria couldn't help but hope that Ivan would make good on his promise to visit her. Something about him had captured her attention, and she couldn't wait to see him again.


𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀 & 𝗙𝘂𝗿: 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮'𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲 | Twilight.Where stories live. Discover now