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~Chapter 10~

Playing: Red

0:24 ─●──────── -2:47
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺


The following day, Novaria agreed a commitment to Victoria to help her locate the brunette and the Cullens, because now that Victoria had gathered a significant number of newborns to attack the Cullens, she was already determined and protected if something happens, also relying on her little sister's company.

On the other hand, Ivan also agreed to company Riley to bella's house to take her red blouse to give her scent to the other newborns and get them into action.

Novaria knew that she couldn't make what Aro asked her and Ivan, by bringing Riley to the Volterra knowing that he isn't a human anymore. She also had a feeling that Jane would tell Aro what happens, feeling relieved.

The weather was cloudy as the time struck seven in the morning, to everyone's relief as the sunlight would have been a hindrance to their supernatural abilities. Novaria and Victoria parted ways with Riley and Ivan, following their pre-arranged plan.

The sisters already left Seattle and traveled at an impressive speed towards Forks, with Novaria teleporting every twenty seconds to avoid exhaustion. As they ran, Novaria spoke up "Are you certain this will work, Vic?" she asked, keeping pace with her older sister.

"Are you doubting me?" Victoria chuckled, confident in her abilities. "And yes, trust me. I will be the one who leads anyway." She smirked.

As they reached the familiar woods of Forks, Novaria was grateful that they weren't in the werewolf territory, but in a familiar land. Perhaps, they were still considered trespassers, but the thought didn't faze them. After all, they were still vampires like the cullens, except being vegetarian.

But as they ran further, something unexpected happened.


"Emmet, catch them!!" Rosalie called out. Emmet, already familiar with the small girl Novaria thanks to Alice's descriptions, sprinted forward since he was the fastest when Edward isn't around with his human lover.

Emmet was about to grab her, but Novaria teleported, leaving the muscular vampire growling in frustration. Esme and Rosalie quickly caught sight of Victoria's vibrant red hair after Novaria teleported. With their keen senses, Rosalie immediately sped up, closely followed by Jasper and Alice.

Victoria expertly leapt and jumped through the branches, Novaria trailing closely beside her. The Cullens snarled, pushing their speed even faster in an effort to catch the sisters. Despite Novaria's supernatural abilities, she was no match for Victoria's speed. Emmet managed to reach out to grab Novaria, but his fingertips just brushed against her hair when she teleported once again.

"Dammit!" Emmet scowled in frustration, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the area for any signs of the elusive sisters.

"She's incredibly difficult to catch!" Alice yelled from the other side, also diligently chasing after the sisters. "Every time Emmet gets close, she teleports away!"

Rosalie, equally frustrated, responded "It has cooldowns, just like you said Alice." —— "Catch the smaller one during her cooldowns!"

Thanks to Edward spending time with his human lover, Emmet was the fastest of the Cullens and yet, they still couldn't seem to catch the sisters. Novaria and Victoria jumped in perfect unison, their movements fluid and graceful as they soared over a huge fallen tree branch. They glanced back at the Cullens with smirks, taunting them.

The Cullens were taken aback when the two sisters suddenly vanished into thin air, leaving behind a cloud of dust and a blur of movement. Alice, with her keen sight, hastily reminded everyone to stay focused and continue the chase. With this encouragement, the Cullens picked up their pace, determined to catch up to the sisters.

Emmett's razor-sharp eyes were the first to catch a glimpse of Novaria, her long, highlighted curls flowing behind her as she ran alongside Victoria. "I've got them in my sights again!" Emmett announced.

However, the Cullens were unaware that the sisters were close to reaching the river. Ignoring Alice's warning, Emmett charged forward, intent on catching up to them. But Esme, the ever-calm and rational mother figure, immediately called out to him in a desperate tone "Emmett, stop!!"

Alice and Rosalie's eyes widened in apprehension as they realized the consequences of their reckless pursuit. "He's going to break the treaty rules!" Alice exclaimed, her voice betraying her worry.

As the sisters approached the treaty line that separated their land and the werewolf territory, Victoria effortlessly leaped across the river. However, Novaria hesitated, she promised herself not to cross into enemy's territory again. With a steady resolve, she stayed put on their side of the river.

"Emmett, don't jump!" Esme yelled again, but Emmett was too caught up in the chase. He boldly leaped across the river but stopped in his tracks when a massive, grey wolf emerged from the edge of their land.

The wolf's piercing gaze locked with Emmett's, and the two snarled and growled fiercely at each other. After a brief standoff, the wolf slowly backed away and retreated.

Just then, the Cullens noticed Novaria a few feet away. They  were surprised that she hadn't followed her sister, but before she could make a move, she was grabbed by Jasper and Rosalie, one on either side of her by the arm. "Get off of me!" Novaria scowled, her ruby eyes flashing with frustration.

"Novaria! We're surprised you didn't cross the treaty with your sister." Alice spoke as she approached. "I promised myself not to cross there anymore." Novaria hissed, her temper rising.

"Now we finally caught you except that annoying big sister of yours." Emmet, who emerged from the water with a mischievous glint in his eyes, appeared. "I've been frustrated with your teleportation." He added, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Alice's slender fingers grasped the edge of Novaria's cloak, the hood slid back and Alice grabbed it. Novaria recoiled, trying to snatch her precious garment back, but Alice's grip was firm. And so, with one swift motion, Alice drifted back, standing next to Esme and Emmet, Novaria's cloak now in Alice's hands.

Rage burned in Novaria's amber eyes as she glared at Alice, her chest heaving with fury. "Give it back!" she demanded, her voice quivering with anger. "You have no right to take what's not yours!" The Volturi kings gave it to her. But Alice just ignored it.

Emmet joined, a smirk on his lips. "Calm down, kid." He chuckled, sending Novaria into a fit of rage. How dare these Cullens treat her like a child! But the Cullens couldn't deny that she looked like one, and is one.

As Novaria writhed, trying to break free from the Jasper and Rosalie's grasps, she suddenly teleported and reappeared behind them from a distance. The Cullens sighed in exasperation, realizing they had been outsmarted once again. "Just like I said." Emmet commented, his face falling serious again.

Novaria grinned mischievously at them before disappearing at lightning speed. Their futile chase had been a waste, and Rosalie couldn't help but express her annoyance. "What a waste of time." she muttered, rolling her eyes.

"But at least i got the piece of her garment." Said Alice, showing them Novaria's cloak in her grip.


𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀 & 𝗙𝘂𝗿: 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮'𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲 | Twilight.Where stories live. Discover now