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~Chapter 25~


The next day, As Novaria sat in the same chair, her mind was still filled with a jumble of thoughts. She tried to make sense of her dead mother's words from the previous day, unsure if they were merely a passing thought or a significant message trying to reach her from beyond.

But those thoughts were irrelevant now. She had found peace without hearing from any of those Cullens, her older sister's name, and the Volturi. Yet, the sudden encounter yesterday had disrupted her peaceful state once again.

"But maybe Ivan was right," she thought to herself "maybe it was all just my imagination. I really am going more crazy i guess." But deep down, she knew it was all too real. Her mother's words lingered in her mind, causing her to question everything.

What should she believe? Should she trust the words of the enigmatic Cullens or the whispered warnings of her deceased mother? The dilemma gnawed at her.

"Family comes first, above all else. Even in the darkest of times, hold onto that bond." - Her mother.

"You cannot live forever as you once did, constantly submitting to authority. Allow yourself to embrace something new." - Carlisle C.

"Victoria wished you were dead, Novaria. James had became her first priority." Edward C.

"That Edward, was lying... Victoria did not willingly confront them. They hunted her down, lured her to isolation. Their goal was to destroy your family, to leave you alone and vulnerable." - Her mother.

"About your parents. The hostage situation and being killed? It was all a ruse. Aro was the one behind it, orchestrating everything." - Ivan.

"Trust in the Volturi my dear. They seek to protect you, not harm you. They never killed us." - Her mother.

Their voices echoed in her head, making it almost impossible for Novaria to focus on anything else. It's a curse.

She sighed and tried to push the thoughts away, but they stubbornly refused to leave her mind. Even the fact that Seth had rarely appear in her mind anymore seemed to be a part of the same puzzle.

Could it be Aro's venom affecting her? But maybe no, she dismissed the thought. This was all her own doing, her own tangled mess of thoughts.

"Frustrating." she muttered under her breath, "why can't I just take a break from all of this?" She hated the fact that her thoughts often spiraled out of control, as if someone or something was purposely controlling them. It was hard to explain.

Novaria's eyes drifted to the window, watching the rain. The scenery was peaceful, but her mind was anything but. She longed to escape, to have a moment of quiet and calm, but it seemed impossible.


"Nov, what on earth's going down?" Ivan's knuckles rapped against Novaria's door. But instead of an answer, the door flew open, revealing an emotionless but upset Novaria.

"Hunting time?" Ivan questioned, his brow furrowed. He was already halfway out the door.

Novaria froze in her tracks, her gaze locking with Ivan's. "Come with me." she hissed calmly, her voice urgent but low.

Ivan's eyebrow shot up as he eyed her warily. "For a hunt, right?" he prompted, but Novaria shook her head. "I thought we already cleared few humans around-"

"No." she whispered, pausing briefly. "...have to take care of some unfinished business ...for my family." Her words were barely audible, and Ivan strained to make sense of them.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his confusion evident. Novaria's family had been decimated over the years, with Victoria being the latest casualty, and Novaria was the only one left.

Novaria bit the inside of her cheek and bit back a retort. "You'll see." she uttered, pushing past him without another word. She was too drained to articulate her reasons, her mind still grappling with the weight of her decision.

Ivan watched Novaria's figure disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity. Their lives had been eerily quiet for the past 2 weeks, devoid of any disturbances from the Volturi or the Cullens and that certain sandy wolf.

As their specters vanished from the quaint hotel, their bodies propelled by supernatural speed. Novaria, her senses razor sharp, leading them towards their unknown destination.

Ivan called out, his voice echoing amidst the supersonic rush of their running. "I have no clue where you're taking us. Your tracking skill be off the charts sometimes...."

Novaria maintained a stoic silence for an eternity before her voice cut through the void. "It's a clearing." she responded, her words a haunting murmur. "A place called the Meadow."

Ivan's brow furrowed. "The Meadow? Hm, never been there before. What's your plan?"

A knowing smile crept across Novaria's face. "Take a whiff." she said, her voice laced with an enigmatic undercurrent.

They stopped for a moment, and Ivan paused, his eyes scanning the surroundings while his nostrils flared. Novaria stood beside him, her gaze fixed knowingly ahead.

"That's a familiar scent..." Ivan breathed out, his mind racing back to the time he and Riley had passed the human's blouse to the newborn vampires weeks ago. "..."

"Exactly." Novaria took that as a confirmation before they resumed their ethereal sprint towards their elusive destination.

Novaria and Ivan slowed their rapid gait to a silent saunter. Muffled whispers was heard through the distance, beckoning them closer to a hidden meadow. Novaria's keen ears discerned the soft voices, a tantalizing melody drawing them forward.

With measured steps, they approached the edge of the clearing. Novaria peered through the thick foliage, her eyes fixed on a tender scene.

Bella and Edward sitting comfortably on the flower-strewn ground. Bella's laughter rang like bells as she admired her engagementring, her eyes sparkling with the promise of a life filled with love, hearing that their wedding is two months away.

A wicked grin played across Novaria's face as her dead mother's voice in her mind echoed in her ears, reminding her. "Hmm."

Ivan's voice interrupted her reverie, barely a whisper behind her. "You came here because of them don't you?"

Novaria nodded slightly. "The human girl holds no sway over me now. It was Victoria's concern. But that man, Edward, must be my concern now."

Ivan's eyes widened in surprise, but he refrained from further questions, his thoughts lingering on the day he had left Bella's blouse behind, choosing not to accompany Novaria and Victoria on their fateful ascent.

Novaria's grip tightened on the delicate blossom beside her. In that instant, Edward's icy gaze met hers. His senses had detected her presence, her scent hanging heavy in the air. With a swift movement, he rose protectively from the meadow, Bella clinging close behind.

"Novaria." Edward's voice was cool and collected, a hint of surprise in its tone.


𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀 & 𝗙𝘂𝗿: 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮'𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲 | Twilight.Where stories live. Discover now