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~chapter 00~


February, 2007.

It had been five centuries since Novaria's transformation, centuries waiting for her sister and finding ways to see her again. Her revenge against those who had wronged her was now complete, the once peaceful village was now lay in ruins, a testament to her strength and determination.

Novaria was already known in a Vampire World. She was known as the 'Eternal Teenager', a title she had earned for her timeless beauty and everlasting youth by the humans that had met her throughout the centuries. She was turned into a vampire at the age of fifteen, and despite centuries passing, she's forever frozen being fifteen and fifteen-looking.

With the help of the Volturi, Novaria had solidified her dominance over the vampire world. Aro, treated her well, recognizing the potential power that she possessed. Marcus, always lost in his own thoughts and always sitting on his throne, feeling a sense of peace and tranquility in her company. Caius, although always stern and serious, had taken a liking to Novaria and even helped her hone her abilities.

But it was not just them who had grown to have a deep connection with Novaria. Jane, the fierce and feared member of the guard, had surprisingly become a close friend of Novaria. Despite Jane's quick temper and penchant for torture, Novaria had a calming influence on her, able to soothe her fiery nature with just a single touch.

And then there was Alec, from the moment he had laid eyes on Novaria, he was captivated by her. Day by day even decades, his feelings for her grew stronger, but he never dared to openly admit them. But Novaria was not blind to the way he acts around her.

Ivan, also found himself drawn to his longest friend since day one, Novaria. Although he never showed it, he was fascinated by her. He often found himself at her side, protecting her and enjoying her company. Along with Alec, Ivan and Demetri, the trio formed a strong bond.


Novaria let out another sigh as she felt the familiar tug in her gut, signaling that her teleportation abilities were still in cooldown. She turned to Alec, who was smiling mischievously at her.

"Do I have to remind you that my teleportation limits are still the same? Give me twenty seconds." she retorted, raising an eyebrow.

Alec just chuckled and nodded, always eager to see her teleporting for fun, just teasing her. Novaria couldn't deny that she also enjoyed using her teleportation for fun too.

"Give me twenty seconds, okay?" she requested, starting to count. But Alec couldn't resist teasing her. "You've been counting for about a minute now." he said with a smirk.

Novaria rolled her eyes, deadpanning, "Eh? I didn't even reached twelve seconds yet!"

Suddenly, Ivan appeared out of nowhere with a small grin on his face. "Heyy, can I join you?" he asked, his eyes sparkling. Alec responded before Novaria could "Can you?"

Ivan just rolled his eyes playfully. "He's just here to watch me teleporting, and he can't even wait my cooldowns." Novaria said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I was just kidding." Alec said with a chuckle, trying to defend himself. "I can wait even if your cooldown takes million." He raised his hands in surrender playfully.

Jane walked in after a few minutes "Nov, Aro is now ready to see you." She said. Novaria stopped and turned to look at her and nodded with a sigh.


"Are you really sure about visiting your sister? In where?" Aro asked while sitting on his throne. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She knew that the Volturi didn't usually allow their members to leave their protective walls unless something important.

"Forks, a city in Washington."

Novaria was one of the exceptions. She was a rare talent, a tracker and has teleportation. She had the ability to track anyone by their scent, no matter how far they were and the way she can teleport. It was a skill that even amazed the volturo kings, and he trusted her abilities enough to let her go on this journey.

Marcus joined the conversation and asked, "You're sure she's there?" — "She's a tracker, so she knows." Caius, who was present when Novaria was practicing her abilities, chimed in "And I have personally guided her on how to properly use her abilities. She'll be fine."

Novaria nodded, her voluminous hair swaying with the movement, as she added, "I can also feel Victoria's presence from here." She paused before looking at Aro, hoping he would understand. "Whenever I'm focused on something, It's like a magnetic pull, drawing me towards it until I reach it. That's how I knew where she was."

Aro smiled lopsidedly and touched her forehead with his index finger. "I can see it." he said. "You may go, but don't be gone for too long."

Novaria felt a rush of relief, knowing that Aro had given his blessing. "Thank you!" she said with a wide smile before turning to leave. However, she was stopped by Ivan and Alec "uh-"

"What's with the rush?" Ivan asked, looking at her with confusion and concern in his eyes. Novaria stopped in her tracks and sighed, not knowing how to explain. "I'm...I'm visiting my sister in Forks, Victoria." she replied hesitantly.

Ivan's eyebrows furrowed. "Forks? And you're going alone?"
Novaria nodded. She knew that he cared for her, but she couldn't let him worry. "I can handle myself." she said, trying to sound confident.

Alec frowned as well. "Wait, you're leaving?" he asked, trying to hide the longing he's already feeling. Novaria left Ivan's gaze before turning to Alec.

"Leaving? No. I'll just visit my sister and Aro already knows about it." she explained, hoping to ease their concerns.

"For how long?" Alec huffed lightly, his gaze still skeptical. Novaria shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.

"For as long as I want, but I'll always come back here, of course." she reassured him with a small smile.

Meanwhile ivan kept staring at her skepticallly before speaking "I'm coming with you."

Novaria shifted her gazed to ivan again, raising an eyebrow "What? No, it's fine. Just stay here." Novaria replied while shaking her head.

Ivan rolled his eyes "I insist, i'm coming." He said, novaria grunted under her breath before deciding to agree. "Great."

"I'm coming as wel-" Alec was cut off when Jane pulled him away from the two "You're staying."


𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀 & 𝗙𝘂𝗿: 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮'𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲 | Twilight.Where stories live. Discover now