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~Chapter 17~


Novaria found herself fled to Port Angeles in order to stay away from them to resist her thirst. But now, as she walked the dark and empty streets, her ruby eyes grew even darker as her need for blood had taken over for hours.

It had been two days since she had last fed because of Victoria's distractions, who continued ordering her, but it's all over now. Now, Novaria's thirst was raging and controlling her every move.

"Blood, so sweet and warm, it's all I can think about." Novaria muttered to herself as she scanned her surroundings, looking for any potential prey. "I'm going insane."

As she strolled along, trying to appear casual, Novaria couldn't help but think back to earlier in the day when she had been on top of the mountain aftermath. The human, Bella being near and how Novaria had managed to control her thirst in the presence of the human was beyond her.

If it weren't for the presence of Seth and Edward, things could have turned out much differently, with Bella becoming a victim of her bloodlust.

But now, in the darkness of the alleyway, with no one around to stop her, Novaria couldn't hold back any longer. But just as she was about to give in to her primal instincts, she heard a faint sound echoing from the distance.

She immediately teleported without a thought, peeking through the wall of a nearby building. There, she saw four men, stumbling and slurring their words as they walked down the alley. They were clearly drunk.

Novaria wasted no time, she stepped out and approached them as if she was normal. "Oh, a little girl." One of them breathed, eyeing her up and down.

Novaria furrowed her eyebrows, her enhanced senses picking up the disgusting smell of alcohol from their breath. "Nice dress, huh? ...are you alone?" The other one leered, circling around her.

But Novaria remained unfazed. She knew she could take them down in any second anyway, by surprising.

The men nudged each other's shoulders, their drunk minds convinced that they had somehow won something. "Nice necklace," One of them said, his eyes wandering over her body. "I wonder how that pretty dress of yours would look on the ground."

The other friend chimed in. "Dude, that's a kid." he said with a chuckle, towering her height.

But the first man just laughed drunkenly, his hand reaching out to brush over her curly hair. "What? Are you mute or just too scared to talk?" he taunted, his eyes focused on her.

Before they could make any further inappropriate moves, Novaria teleported and reappeared behind them. Before they could even turn around, her sharp nails dug into each of their necks, causing them to cry out in pain. She harshly tilted their heads to the side, exposing their necks.

"Ah, I also wonder how your heads would look on the ground." she whispered tauntingly, a wicked smile on her lips.

Once she had drained every last drop of blood from her victims, Novaria released them from her grip. But that was not the end for these men. With a swift movement, she tore off their heads with her bare hands, the sound of their bones breaking echoing throughout the alley.

Novaria left the place with a sense of accomplishment and a wave of relief washing over her. Her once darker eyes had flickered back to their usual deep ruby hue, and her body had finally calmed down.

But as she walked down the dark streets, The sandy wolf kept popping up in her mind. Seth. She slowed her pace, wondering why his image was plaguing her thoughts.

She didn't know, she has no idea.

She was so lost in her thoughts about her enemy that she didn't notice the familiar figure standing a couple of feet away from her.

"Alec?" She teleported in front of him, her eyes locking with his. He seemed surprised by that and quickly looked away before meeting hers again.

"Er...where have you been?" Alec asked, trying to maintain his composure in front of her. "I mean.. Jane's been looking for you."

"Oh, just feeding myself." She replied with a small smile as if she didn't just killed someone. "Haven't fed myself for two days."

"For two days?" Alec asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why is that?" Novaria explained to him about Victoria's continues distraction and her constant orders, which had caused her to neglect her own hunger.

Alec nodded in understanding. "I see. Well, we should probably head back to Volterra. Aro has been asking about you." He moved closer to her and was about to reach out and grab her wrist, but Novaria pulled back. "Give me one more day." She said calmly but her voice firm.

Alec's eyebrow raised again in confusion. "Is there something wrong? Do you need more time to feed?"

Novaria averted her gaze, her mind scrambling for a believable excuse. "No, nothing like that. I just have something important to take care of."

"Important?" Alec repeated, his voice laced with skepticism. "What could possibly be so important that you can't go back with the rest of us to Volterra?"

Novaria took a deep breath, trying to remain calm "It's...something I need to solve." Alec looked at her with confusion. "To solve? But everything has already been taken care of. You weren't there when we went to the clearing to check the aftermath. The newborns were defeated."

"Look, my sister already died, okay? And the last thing i need to see is Bree. Give me a day, please tell that to Jane, Aro." Said Novaria before moving away.

Alec froze, staring at her when she mentioned that "Bree..." His eyes wide, as he remembered the girl and what happened...


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